06 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Trailer to the Main Event

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Nobody knows the exact origin of the Procession Votive of Roquebrune village but it is known that during the terrible plague of 1467 (which ravaged the Mediterranean including Monaco, Nice and Ventimiglia) the villagers of Roquebrune organized a novena - nine days of prayers.

On August 5, 1467, the ninth and last day of the novena, the epidemic was over and every year since that day a procession from St. Margaret's Church through the village to the Chapel of Our Lady of Pause traces the life of Jesus. 150 members of Roquebrunoise families depict the Stations of the Cross as a mark of their gratitude for this miracle. The main roles are often passed on from father to son.

Here you see some of the participants before the procession starts - the little boy holds a very nasty weapon with which to beat Christ.

Tomorrow, we start at the beginning as we walk up to the village - we'd never find a place to park the car as everyone and his mother visits Roquebrune on this day. Do come back - this is one of the best, and most moving festivals, on the French Riviera and all in the beautiful medieval village of Roquebrune.


  1. Thank you for the explanation; I'm always interested in hearing about local festivals. This photo is definitely worth a thousand words.

  2. The colours of the garments originally caught my eye. The story is fascinating, esp. the novena. Pagentry and tradition seem to go hand-in-hand.

  3. Nothing could keep me away, Jilly. The blues, oranges, and lavenders really pull the eye into this image but the way you've composed it, with the partial of the adult face and the profile of the child's face is truly mesmerizing. The innocence on that face is in such opposition to the nastiness of that weapon he's carrying.

  4. interesting and I love the colors and that sweet boy!

  5. Oh what a great shot and I too am anxious to see the whole thing! Sounds very moving and beautiful.

  6. How interesting. I can't wait to see and read more.

  7. Solider or warrior in training? The colors and composition are fabulous! Formidable!

  8. Well, I guess if dad passes down the role of a nasty old Roman then that's the role you get.

    The photo is fantastic! And I do love rituals. I look forward to more.

  9. What a wonderful tradition.
    But that sweet-faced boy does not seem the type to beat anyone, especially with that nasty thing.

  10. What a sweet looking little boy !
    The colors are lovely too.

  11. The beautiful contrast of blue and orange colors of clothes.
    What are they talking about, a
    boy and a big man?
