20 October 2009

Fête de la Branda - Clip-Clop on the Cobbles

It's not often you see donkeys in Gorbio village - or good looking donkey handlers, come to that.

The occasion was the recent Fête de la Branda and this year the organisers planned an animal area at the top of the village in front of the Château.

Makes you think of how it would have been in medieval times, as you hear the clip-clop, clip-clop of the donkeys' feet on the ancient cobbles - a sound I just love.


  1. All he needs now is the medieval costume! I wonder what donkey handlers wore back then…

  2. Yep, I love the clip-clop, too, and that fellow can bring me a donkey any time!

    --Do you remember the beginning scene of Monty Python's Holy Grail, where you heard clip-clops, and it turned out to be horseless knights banging coconut shells together....?

  3. Bibi, yes, I'm laughing thinking about it!

    Hilda, I suppose they wore woollen clothes, leather perhaps? Jerkins, that sort of thing.

  4. j'aime bien la dernière photo, avec le mvt du bras.

  5. Olivier, I prefer the second photo too but didn't use it as the main one because it's out of focus. Perhaps I should be braver!

  6. Oh ! Yes I remmember too that scene of Monty Python !!! Excellent !

    Where were they during the blessing in August, I wonder....I love them.

  7. A bit unusual I guess. Takes me back to a visit to Greece and Santorini where I once took a donkey ride down to the port.

  8. Clip clop is a nice sound from the donkeys. Plop plop would not be, especially if there were a lot of donkeys on a narrow alleyway on a warm day.

    Sorry to be a kill joy for the medieval romanticism.

  9. Reminds me of the nice donkey road we took from your place to reach the Gorbio village! Nice memories!

  10. I like both of these and he can wear whatever he likes as far as I'm concerned.

  11. Nice portrait of that guy with his two asses. Sorry, just had to say that. Clip, clop, clip, clop . . .

  12. Two great photos! I agree about the clip-clop. We were recently on Mackinac Island, Michigan - no motorized traffic is allowed on the island - only horses, horse-drawn carriages, bicycles. Taking a nap to the sound of the horses clip-clopping by the window is a wonderful thing.

  13. I love the first photo. The smile of that donkey handler while running. He looks so enthusiastic.

  14. Not only good-looking, but smiling too! Great photo.

  15. I love Monty Python!!! :) This reminds me of a song that my grandchildren sing at Lessons and Carols,
    "Little gray donkey Clip clop clip clop on the way to Bethlehem"

    The hunky donkey guy's a nice addition Jilly!!

  16. I so love this picture! They guy looks so happy, I like to imagine that the two children and the woman that follow are his family! xxx

  17. I thought V would appreciate the donkey guy!

    Great photos and now I can hear the clip-clop too!

  18. I like the life in the pictures, but I like too the place. It's fantastic.
    Paulo Camacho

  19. Well worth enlarging, he has such an expressive face. The donkey is kind of cute too.

  20. Hi, Jilly nice to meet you at jilly's home today.
