17 October 2009

Heaven and Earth...

We're back in Menton just in front of the market building. (This was taken 9 days ago -it's a little chillier now)

Lord! when you sell a man a book you don't sell just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there's all heaven and earth in a book, a real book.

~Christopher Morley


  1. Both shots are simply fantastic...nicely done!

  2. The quote is so true. I've been rereading Pillars of the Earth (see today's post) and enjoying every bit of it again. This lady seems absorbed....

    I wonder if Morley would approve of Kindle...a book, but no glue, paper, or ink!

  3. I don't think a Photoshop artist has been at work here. What a nice shot these two are.

  4. Wonderful quote here... it goes.

  5. It doesn't get much better than a bench, the warm sun, and a captivating book.

  6. Really beautiful: I do not know
    which choose!

  7. I always like your portraits, Jilly.

  8. People in France take the time to sit and read books. I saw it everywhere I went, in the parks, in the Metro, in a café. I loved seeing that! Not something we often see here. This lady is obviously very happy in her own skin, to coin a phrase. I regret I don't feel that self assured. Maybe i need to move to France, oui? :)


  9. The lady who is reading a book,
    It looks like she herself has a lot of stories in her heart every day.
    Beautiful photo...!

  10. Nice quote, Jilly. I feel the same..And I would say, watching a moovie make me feel the same.....I'm IN the book as well as IN the moovie. I forget all other things when I'm absorbed...

    Taking time to seat, and read, we don't do it enough..
