27 October 2009

Lunch for Three

Dogs are allowed in most restaurants in France - I love that. This couple are eating a plate of Fruits de Mer on the terrace of the Restaurant le Lido in the Place aux Herbes in Menton. Their Golden Retriever sits waiting - hoping for a morsel...I think he's got his eye on that lobster.


  1. I lived and worked all around Europe for four years. I always found it odd that dogs were welcome and children were not.

    Not a bad idea considering the "behavior" sometimes.

    When I was home, the only place I took my children was a place up in the hills outside Heidelburg. It was really great, the chef and owner had married an American.

  2. @eloh, in France and Italy children are more than welcome - often lunch is a big family affair in a restaurant. Perhaps, when you lived and worked in Europe, it was elsewhere they weren't welcome. In France and Italy, children normally know how to behave in restaurants simply because they have been brought up to it. Dogs, on the other hand, are not welcome so much in restaurants in Italy, as they are in France.

  3. I thought I've read "Lunch for free" ! And I wasn't here....

    Funny picture Jilly !

  4. Awwww....there's something about the backs of dogs' heads that appeals to me! Of course, so does the lobster and the plat de crustaces...(I'm missing an accent aigu, I know, but don't know how to add it---actually I'm missing the accent on aigu, too!)

  5. Haha. This was so funny. I read the title, then, from top to bottom, the shot was revealed on my screen. I was puzzling who the third party might be when the dog's head was revealed. How that made me smile, Jilly.

  6. Looks like lovely a lunch! Did "Fluffy" end up getting any shrimp or mussels? Love HER glitzy glasses!

  7. Wow, this could easily have been a photo from Maine -- the lobster and seafood platter -- BUT the people in your photo look way more chic and cosmopolitan than people here.

  8. LReading the comment: Of course kids must be welcome to restaurants, and, as you say, they are! It's part of family life, their "education"...!

    My daughter (and bf) just bought a dog (Boston Terrier). Looking forward to our first common restaurant visits. (She - the dog - needs some more education first.) :-)

  9. Hello, I just discovered this blog and it's fantastic !
    It reminds me of my fantastic trip to Menton in February 2009... I fell in love with this town !

    Did you take any pictures in the graveyard of Le Trabuquet ? that's where the amazing Aubrey Beardsley now rests.

  10. I was most of the time in West Germany. It always struck me as odd that you never saw children in cafes, pregnant women or handicap people out and about.

  11. Come on, doggie, go and get it!!!

  12. Peter, Boston terriers are gorgeous little dogs.

    Alistair, thanks for kind words. I've photographed Trabuquet but at the time didn't find Beardsley's grave. Now I know where it is - and I looked for ages last time - so will go back sometime. I love his art too.

    @eloh - it's interesting that your experience of children in restaurants was so different in Germany.

    Leif, I don't think the dog got a treat but honestly I'm not sure cos I was eating the other side of the square.

  13. Nice photo, Jilly. I like the idea that dogs are welcome. Over here only service dogs are welcome in most places and I would n't think in restaurants unless the person was blind. I have been around dogs all my life and find nothing wrong with them.

  14. I found our grandchildren welcome and when my grandson got a little fretful, we were quick to make and exit. We didn't want to wear out our welcome! You know how I feel about Goldens. This one is too adorable. I want to give him a bit snuggle! I want a bite of lobster as well!

  15. I missed the dog at first... Nice and eloquent, even without words!

  16. I'd like to see the next photo where the dog leaps up, grabs the lobster, makes a break for it, and the restaurant descends into uproar! Lol!

  17. What a polite dog to sit so nicely and wait for his people to finish. I'll bet there were some tidbits for him at the end of the meal.

  18. how fun to bring your dog nearly everywhere, even restaurants. I wish dogs were allowed in restaurants, here.

  19. A greAT shot and a gooood dog!:-)

  20. Beautiful subject and photo!

  21. I came to have a look at your photos yesterday but forgot to comment on this one.Oh dear, the lady and her dog... but you're right I like that (well behaved) dogs are allowed in restaurants in France!
