30 October 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - Stations of the Rosary

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

We've started the walk. Bottles of water in our rucksacks.

Here we see one of the 15 shrines built in the 17th century and restored in the 20th. They represent the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary.

In 1660, Isabelle of Monaco, sister of Prince Louis 1, was cured of leprosy after a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Peypin and so she built these fifteen station of the Rosary along this road leading to the chapel.


  1. Interesting post. We don't have a single shrine anywhere that I know of unless it is in someone's backyard.

  2. Must be a lovely walk, one I would happily take. Kitty is resting...

  3. That kitty seems to take the guarding of the station very seriously.

  4. Stopping to take photos is a good way to catch your breath and rest your legs on a long uphill hike.

  5. Lovely path and of course you knew the chat would make the top photo! Well done .

  6. Quite interesting history... of course in Catholic churches in the US we do find the 'Stations of the Cross'. I remember a beautifully wooden hand-carved one at the one I grew up in.

  7. Remember the vines mean wine as you trek your way uphill. Looks like a lovely gentle climb, and as always, nicely portrayed.

  8. I love these series of yours, Jilly. Pure delight.

  9. We are there with you every step, just what we need at the moment.

  10. Your blog is remarkable. So much detail and information and the pictures are wonderful. A favorite of mine now!
