29 October 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade

The Monastery of l'Annonciade sits way above Menton - and tomorrow we start the walk, which is really a sort of pilgrimage as we climb the Chemin du Rosaire and pass what I thought were the Stations of the Cross but are in fact the Stations of the Rosary. All will be revealed...

This photograph was taken from sea level at a distance of 1.4 kilometres, as the seagull flies, so that explains the grainy look to the photo. And yes, those are vines below the monastery - and vines mean wine!


  1. Would love to take this walk along with you! Worth getting there....for a glass of wine!

  2. You drove! You drove from Tassie to Cairns! That is about 4,300kms which is sort of like flying from London to Moscow and back again.

    Whatever ... it is a massive feat! And I bet you had dogs on the back seat!!

  3. Julie - I replied on your blog but yes it took a month - stopping off at Canberra, Sydney, Newcastle, a week in Noosa etc - in fact several stops in northern NSW and the sunshine coast. Great way to see that beautiful coast of Oz. And yes, one Old English Sheepdog in the van, my worldly goods and an enormous plant that needed transporting.

  4. The graininess works in helping us feel as if we are glimpsing something ancient. The exchange between you and Julie suggests a wonderful story. Did you have your camera on that trip?

  5. Monastery, vineyards... yes, the two go well together :-)))

    I did find the picture was grainy - no wonder if it's been taken from 1.4 km away!

  6. I, also, would enjoy joining you on this trek just to see what the monastery looks like. A magnificent scene, Jilly!

  7. Brattcat, it was in 1985 and I did take photographs but on film and somewhere they'd be sitting in a box with curled corners, no doubt. Sure they weren't much good. It was a good trip tho. I lived in Tasmania for three years and then in Cairns for another three - and this trip joined the first to the second. Then I came to France!

  8. Oh I can't wait....lots and lots of pictures please.
