11 October 2009

Ventimiglia - the Wild Kittens

Wild kittens under the footbridge we saw the other day. Mother cat looks up, never taking her eyes off them.

People had thrown down food and one lady stood for at least half an hour just staring at them.


  1. So pretty (if a bit grubby!) - I love the little tortoiseshell or calico one.

    It's a better life as a feral cat in a warm climate, but you still think it would be nice if they had a house. Perhaps the lady who stared at them for half an hour was trying to work out how to get them home!

  2. Hope they get taken 'home' soon. One of the most loving of creatures that walks this earth!

  3. Jilly, that top shot is excellent. The soft, vulnerability of the tender kittens and the hard surface of the stone come together to make a riveting image.

  4. So cute. I have a soft spot for the little calico!

  5. Awww - and each one has it's own look. Will they be able to survive out there? Is there a program to fix the strays in Menton?

  6. Tash, Ventimiglia is just across the border from Menton in Italy so I don't know if they have a programme for strays or not. In Menton there used to be an American woman who took in strays and speyed them - at one time she had 178 cats - she lived just below me. Now she has left, having spent her fortune on cats and gone back to America. Not sure what goes on now but her Association continues

  7. Excellent contrast shot, Jilly, with high impact for recognizing the plight of strays and ferals everywhere.

  8. There are jillions of stray cats here...sad to see.

  9. So cute, Jilly ! Brothers and sisters, and all differents.... I would have stayed too....and photography them as well !

  10. We have them by me and I feed a few who now live in my back yard. I love the smokey gray one. He looks like my main house cat, Shadow.
    I cannot resist a cat and just melt for kittens.
    Both photos are lovely.

  11. Sooo cute! Great photos.

  12. The life of a ferral cat is a hard life.

  13. Four brothers cats. They are all handsome. They are all independent and love each other.
