12 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Chapel

Our first view of the Monastery with the entrance to the chapel facing us.

We've climbed 225 metres to the top of this hill known as Le Berceau. It's dominated by the monastery which was founded in the XIV century but in the XI century it was the site of a small fortified city called Puypin (Podium Pinum, the hill of the pines).

There are several stories of how the name Menton came about. One is that the inheritor of Puypin was Seigneur Othon V who build a castle on the neighbouring hill, but lower hill and called it Mont Othon, which gives the contraction Menton.

This place is peaceful, the view stunning and we can only imagine how it was in the eleventh century, looking down and seeing Menton slowly grow around it.

Subsequently the old castle of Puypin was abandoned and tomorrow we'll learn more about the monastery that, three centuries later, took its place.


  1. I love these names and the history and your photos. Almost like being there.

  2. Thanks for the pinch of history you're throwing in Jilly. Interesting to learn where the name Menton came from.

    Very nice line of perspective leading to the monastery here.

    I hope at some stage you will turn around and show us more views from that garden. The glimpse of sea you showed yesterday is enough to make me crave for more.

  3. It's coming tomorrow, Nathalie!

  4. What a beautiful and peaceful place this looks. Quite stunning.


  5. Yes, this seems to be a little oasis! I am curious to see the view down to Menton!
    Barbara from Germany

  6. You really convey the peace and serenity to be found there in your photographs, Jilly. A friend corrected me in my pronunciation of Menton. Now that I've read the history I see the logic in the correct pronunciation.

  7. I'm pretty positive I've been pronouncing it incorrectly as well! Quelle surprise!! This is a beautiful place. I hope we will go inside the chapel one day.

  8. I liked these shots, Jilly.
