18 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Gum Trees

We're walking down to Menton from the Monastery. On the left is a wild area of land covered in eucalpts and pines. Whenever I see a ecalyptus tree I think of my years in Tasmania and Cairns - the gum trees of Australia are so beautiful.

We are about half way down the Chemin du Rosaire at this point and looking out over the centre of Menton.


  1. vue magnifique, vue de reve, surtout ici ou il commence a faire froid

  2. There are a lot of beautiful eucalyptus trees in California, too, which apparently were not native to that area. They smell good!

  3. I love Port Douglas and the ride to get there from Cairns. Isn't it amazing how smells can bring you back to wonderful (or not so) memories?

  4. That ride from Cairns to Port Douglas has to be one of the most beautiful in the world. I often used to stop off en route and swim on a beach - not a soul to be seen.

    Apparently the sense of smell is one of the strongest in terms of memory - or so it seems. I agree.

  5. Jilly you don't have to publish this comment. I sent you a note on the gmail address but it wouldn't go through. Do you know what is going on with Arnaud of "Nice daily photo"? I hope nothing is wrong with his new baby girl. It is so weird that he hasn't posted for a while, without an explanation. Thanks!

  6. Nadege, I don't know why Arnaud isn't publishing his blog. I left a comment on his blog a short while ago asking if he was OK. I will check out his private email address and write to him.

  7. The view is still wonderful. And the trees offer a shady spot to rest and take it all in.

  8. Ok, let's stop right here. we need to have a seat and enjoy this fantabuous view! Oh Jilly, how can you pull yourself away??

  9. Thanks for all the comments. Virginia, I neglected to mention that this land was private...I whizzed through (no gate) grabbed photos and left so that's how I could pull myself away! You are right, the trees framing that view, especially for me being gum trees, was just fab.

  10. The monastery in our village is one of the few places in the Jerusalem area to have eucalyptus trees. I, too, am always reminded of my years in Australia by the giant trees.
