03 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Shrines

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Today we'll take a look inside three of the shrines. With iron bars and wire netting protecting the frescoes, they are not easy to photograph.

There are 15 shrines, all numbered. I assumed they represent the Stations of the Cross but was corrected by the nun I met in the monastery who told me they are the Stations of the Rosary.

The shrines were restored in the last century - the work done by well known artists of the region.


  1. Don (the BOOTboy)03 November, 2009


    The way you have taken the problem of the bars and netting and turned it into a feature that empahsises the suffering is inspired.

    A great photo.

  2. Thank you for photographing one of the stations. I was wondering what they looked like inside.

  3. Are people walking around with rosary beads performing these stations?

  4. Ilse, on the day I was, the only people I saw were fellow walkers en route to the monastery, but I would imagine on days when pilgrims visit, then perhaps they would.

  5. I too love the top one. The rusty bars, the shadows, very symbolic.

  6. The first picture of the shrine is so well done, Jilly ! So beautiful with the shadow of the protecting iron bars. Just as if the Christ was surrounded by Roman pikes.
    That's a wonderful vision according me.
