04 December 2009

The Cat Show - the Italian Lady

This Italian lady is waiting to have her cats judged. I get the feeling something has made her cross.

Most of the exhibitors at the show were beautifully dressed - many were Italian and so therefore no surprise with their sense of style - it's in their genes to dress well.

Regardless of nationality though, it seemed to me that exhibitors at a cat show dress far better than those at a dog show. I suppose it's easier - you don't have to deal with a large muddy dog and then get him clean.


  1. Fantastic portrait Jilly.
    With her lovely shiny hair she could pose for a L'oreal hair colour product. Because she's worth it, ha!

    You're completely right about her sense of style too!

  2. And thank you for your support and regarding my post today :-)
    I'm glad you're not finding it too hard to deal with my odd sense of humour and curiosity.

  3. I adore your sense of humour, Nathalie!

  4. I hope it wasn't your camera that made her cross. I agree about the dressing at dog shows, though most I've seen in the US have well-dressed owners/handlers.

  5. I totaly agree with you and the later comments! What a beautiful woman, and what a beautiful hair!

  6. The glass on your new camera is outstanding. The clarity of this photo is great.

    Your comments about the dress of exhibitors at a cat show must take into account, I suppose (as I have never been to a cat show) that the cat's claws might scratch leather clothes, and of course some clothes might show all of the cat's hairs if they shed while being groomed. Such problems and challenges.

  7. Did you notice that her lovely hair is just the same colour as her cats? It's surprising how often people choose animals that 'match them', and don't even realise!

  8. Bibi, I zoomed in on her so she'd not have seen me. The new camera has a shorter zoom than the old one, but enough for this.

    Dave, this was my outing with the new camera and I'm really pleased. So glad you can see differences.

    These cats seems so well-behaved so perhaps they never scratch clothes or leave hairs, as they are immaculately groomed.

    Zephrine, don't people say we look like our dogs. I used to have Old English Sheepdogs and I don't look like them but one day I looked at my husband (husband at the time) and right, he looked like an Old English sheepdog!

  9. Dave - I meant to write 'first' outing...

  10. The woman's tresses make me very envious.

  11. I like the smaller photo best. THe shadows and her stance are very interesting. I've loved the visit to the cat show Jilly. Bon weekend!

  12. Lovely photos, Jilly. I like the cats, all of them.

  13. Oh, those Italian women! But this may illustrate the difference between dog and cat owners. Dogs are slobbery, all of them. Cats are so much more refined. I am not a pet person in any form so I get to be independent.

  14. Virginia, When I was deciding between the two photos, I instinctively preferred the second one but wondered if it had too much shadow - I need to have the courage of my convictions...next time! and thanks.

  15. From the thumbnail view I thought you might be having a visit from Nathalie :-). Did you notice this woman's cats match her own hair color? They look as though they are not too pleased about something.

  16. She is very attractive and so very Italian. Excellent capture on both shots. I love her frown in the 2nd.
    I wonder what kind of cats hers are. They seem to have what I think of as ordinary faces with very pretty color fur. I must say I'm more of a cat than dog person (I'm covering our dog's eyes as I write this) - I'm so happy with our two grays even at 4 am when one decides he needs a little company and hops purring loudly on our bed.

  17. That is quite a portrait, Jilly.
