08 December 2009

The Cat Show - the Kitten

My new camera (blame the camera not the photographer!) focused on the bars rather than the kitten, so she's slightly out of focus but I couldn't resist showing her to you. How adorable is she?

Several people had kittens on show and most were for sale.

The smaller photograph shows one of the areas in the Palais de l'Europe where the cats are kept in cages and where the exhibitors prepare them for exhibition. Note how some people have decorated their cages with red curtains and blue and white frou-frou.


  1. I would give anything to find out what this adorable kitty is thinking!!

  2. pauvre chat, on a envie d'ouvrir la porte pour qu'il parte se promener.

  3. What a sweet face...I think even Bibi would like her.

  4. Love cats! Got two. But these flat-nosed kitties always set me aback. Don't really know why. Meow!

  5. Okay, this is the sweetest photograph I've seen in a long time. I love the pensive look on the kitten's face and that jewel like background.

  6. I know it's the breed, but she looks a little sad. Maybe she doesn't like being in that cage.

  7. Ahhh but Jilly, that's what's so much fun with focusing. I always take several when presented with a shot like this. Sometimes I like the foreground in focus and other times the background. I love this shot. It makes the bars the main focus and leaves the cat in the b ackground. A powerful message I think. Bravo! ( I have a snow photo that I am going to post both ways and let folks have their say very soon.)

  8. I'm sorry, but that cat wants to become evil ruler of the universe.

  9. Virginia, now that's a good idea. Focus on the cat, then focus on the bars...

  10. I agree with Birdman, Persian cats have been deliberately bred with those tiny noses and it looks so unnatural to me. Beautiful big eyes and that squashed little nose in between, no, sorry, give me a moggy with a natural cat's face!
