11 December 2009

Music to my Ears

A brisk walk along the Promenade du Soleil. That's Italy you see in the distance, just beyond the Old Town.

If this were you, what music would you be listening to?


  1. Oh, I would sooo like to be here. I am full of flu, the skies are gray (my photo today was one week ago), it's raining, and I can't sit up long; get dizzy.

    I'd be listening to Charles Trenet's La Mer, what else?!

  2. Love this view. Perhaps some Debussy.

  3. Classical guitar... some reason it sounds wonderful with an enjoyable walk.

    So Jilly, what music would you be listening to?

  4. All I can say is "thank God for I-pods". Steely Dan, U-2, Sting...".
    I love to walk and wouldn't mind at all being in Menton right now.

  5. The sounds of the sea, whether on shore or at sea, produces the most quality and natural of sounds. No other music is required....

  6. I don't think I would be plugged into anything---just enjoying my surroundings. MB

  7. Maybe Joni Mitchell. Wonderful pic.

  8. What a fab shot Jilly! I too am an IPOD lover. I can't do my walk without mine. What would i listen to?? Well maybe some Rachmanioff, my friend Michael Dulin's music, Andrea Bocelli, and some Mamas and Papas for good measure. Quite a mixed bag on my playlist. Charles Trenet's La Mer is a favorite of mine as well Patiricia!

  9. Drew asked what I'd be listening to. Actually nothing partly because I love the sound of the sea (although here it's often calm) but really because I was born deaf in one ear and so if I have a 'thingy' in the good one, I'd not hear anything else. Have to say that's been v useful in my life - if the windows rattled or a husband snored, I simply slept on the good side. Can't tell where sound comes from tho. My mother would call me - where are you, I'd call - here, she'd say. Where is here?...no sense of direction with one ear. No big deal!

  10. mais je rève !!!
    Il y a des nuages dans le ciel

  11. If it were me, I wouldn't have any music on. I'd be listening to the sea and the birds and other sounds. I really don't enjoy music while I'm walking. There is too much to see and hear.

  12. Probably something by Pink Floyd, OTOH like Sharon and others have said, the sea and the birds! And this picture is just what I needed, in two weeks, I'll be walking along there or riding my bike along there, I can't wait, we're on our way!!

  13. Oh what a beautiful picture! I would be there and listen to some rock music!

  14. Bergson points out some clouds, I would notice the tee-shirt ! While we're wrapping up warmly !!Brrr

  15. "Promenade du Soleil"that must be the explanation. We do not have any promenade du soleil here in Paris....Ok ! I understand !

  16. I would be listen to Metric.

  17. Lately I've been listening to Dusty Springfield and a really swingy recent Carly Simon (I've Got You Under My Skin)
