01 December 2009

Theme Day: Waiting ...for the Page to Load

The medieval village of Gorbio. Ancient stones support modern technology. A young girl sits on her step, waiting for the page to load.

To see how others in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. An original idea, I even like the contrast between the old stones and the wireless technology...

  2. Great capture! Aren't we all always waiting...

  3. Amazing seeing the intersection of the modern with the ancient. Terrific choice for theme day!

  4. I know the feeling well. Nice choice for theme day.

  5. Oh I really like this. High tech in a medieval setting . . . great catch!

  6. Perfect! And I just love the contrast.

  7. elle attend une page sur l'histoire de Gorbio

  8. This is wonderful. It captures the old world ambiance with a frustration of technology to which everyone can relate.

    My theme day post will not go live until about 5 hours from now, but I posted it with you in mind. And I have posts for the next several days that will add to the story.

  9. Excellent choice Jilly!
    Lovely portrait, and the idle hands do tell about waiting. What a brilliant take on the theme, well done!

  10. ok Jilly, you have got a winner for theme day. you noted the details to create the title and scene. we can all relate to waiting for the page to load.

  11. Indeed, sometimes the wait can be so looong! The contrasts in time within your post for our Theme Day are engrossing, Jilly. I love the colours you have captured too.

  12. Ah yes, that long moment we all know.
    You can just feel her waiting, amid the old stones.

  13. tient cela me rappelle mon ordinateur ;o)) bonne idée

  14. perfect choice for today!

  15. Hey, what a great contrast in this photo! Her glance is lost in the web, waiting for the page to load. Very good indeed! Ciao!

  16. This is a lovely portrait of contrasts of old and new and a clever twist on the theme.

  17. So, so, so perfect an image! Our clever Jilly takes the cake with this masterful shot. I'm thinking "Ancient Future" :-). Inspired.

  18. Very clever! I have a fast connection at home, and so I rarely wait...but I remember dial-up!

    I love the contrast of the old walls and the new tech and fashion.

  19. An image we can all understand because so often we find ourselves WAITING on our computers. The portrait of this lovely young woman is delightful for theme day.

  20. What a great choice and great photo. Such contrasts here. And, sometimes those pages just take forever to load!

  21. What a stunning photo and so iconic of the modern world in Michel Iznard's Gorbio.

    BTW, when do we get to see him ?

  22. brilliant take on the theme!

  23. Wow, the image speaks volumes, love the contrast!

  24. He's been featured before, Monsieur B. During the wedding series, I think - I'll get another shot one day just for you.

  25. Clever shot. Yesterday meets today---and we still wait. MB

  26. I hope she's got good balance - I hate to think what would happen if the laptop fell off onto those stones.

  27. Wow that's a great one today Jilly. Perfect. Don't you just love Theme Day?? I look forward to everyone's interpretations.

  28. A nice candid portrait and a good choice for the theme day.

  29. Gorgeous photo, with humor, too! Excellent for the "waiting" theme as well.
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  30. Excellent comme choix, toute cette technologie qui nous fait courir devant ces belles vieilles pierres...

  31. Jilly, The Rocks and Darlinghurst are quite separate. If you take your bearings from The Rocks (below the bridge, right?) then draw a long bow all the way up George Street to Central Station, then you will have travelled due south. Darlinghurst is a suburb halfway along this distance but about 5km to the East. Sydney being constructed on drowned valleys, there are a lot of undulating ridges. Sydney Uni (adjacent to Central) is built on one to the South and Darlinghurst Gaol is built on one to the East. Much of the sandstone for the gaol would have been cut from either The Rocks, from Fort Dennison or from Cockatoo Island.

  32. Oh Jilly, this is a great post for the theme! Love the photo.

  33. She's lucky to get a signal! I've sometimes had difficulty logging on with my netbook, and the signal is often lost just as my homepage appears.
    She's got great legs by the way. I wonder who she is?

  34. We can all relate to this kind of waiting!

  35. And that, my friend, is why I got a Mac. No more waits for page loads as long as for Godot.

  36. Great study - I hardly noticed the legs ;-)

  37. A wonderful photo captured by a great eye, Jilly !!!

  38. wonderful portrait! It seems we wait for technology to boot up.

  39. What a lovely photo and so perfect for the theme. Bravo!
