02 January 2010

Chemin des Crèches - the Barred Window and Jug

Christmas is over. In France you see decorations up for months so I'm not sure if there is a limit unlike in the UK where they stay up until 12th night - the 6th January - by which time they must be taken taken down.

I was going to continue this little series until the 6th January but today the sun is shining - it's glorious weather after snow and then endless rain - and so I've been out and taken some pics. So tomorrow, we'll see something else - thanks so much to everyone who has walked the village with me and visited these cribs. More next Christmas!


  1. Maybe if they left the religious scene up all year, they might not need the bars over the windows. Would a burglar move aside the figures of the holy family to sneak in the window?

  2. Oh Dave Dave Dave ... come into the 21st century!

    They are delightful cribs, Jilly, but it is the tradition that is such a delight. However, I also like the finite element to the Twelve Days.

  3. As a child, 12th night was a big deal in our house because everything stayed up 'til that day. When our children were small, we did the same thing, but traditions seem to fade when offspring leave home.

    I was so happy to see the creche because I noted only the bars when I saw it in the portal. I feel like our weather is creating bars on my psyche, and I need to change my attitude. The lovely little creche in your photo helps!

  4. Just checked the weather and it is currently -15.6F. No wonder I want to escape!! HELP!

  5. I've really enjoyed your tour of creches! I think you should wander that same street in July and post photos of the ones that are still up! Happy New Year from Iowa.

  6. I don't know, with that bit of curtain as a backdrop, this is perhaps my favorite. Or maybe it's because we won't see anymore until next Christmas that this one makes me smile wistfully.

  7. The tiny crib is lovely, and the composition too ! With the orange tree branch next to it. it's very poetic. At least, I feel it.

  8. It's the curtains i love in this window.

  9. THe crib itself is very cute but in fact the whole window sill arrangements is lovely - with lemons from Menton of course!
