01 January 2010

Theme Day: Changes

Theme Day this month is 'Changes' and this photograph, taken at Le Balico in Menton reminded me that Martini has changed the shape of its bottles. Remember the old Martini bottle? - you see it on the left. And below the new one. I love the old one, same as I love the old Martini poster in the photo. But everything changes unless we believe, 'Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.'

Henri-Louis Bergson, the French Philosopher who in 1927 won the Nobel prize for Literature wrote:

'To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.'

'Exister, c'est changer ; changer, c'est mûrir ; mûrir, c'est se créer sans cesse.'

To see how other CDP bloggers have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is under new management with different decor.



  1. What a gorgeous post, Jilly. More than that: a handsome post!

    I do like that old poster and those of the same design. Charming comes to mind. I do like the pose of the woman in front of the poster: thought being put into words.

    However, I also like the lines of the new bottle. Very sensuous.

    Health, happiness and a measure of giddiness ...

  2. Hello, Jilly: Just a quick note to wish you the very best for 2010 - have a great year!

  3. I only know old bottle. I haven't actively look this particular at the bottle shop for way long time... May be in next visit.

    Happy new year, Jilly.

  4. I like your quote "to exist is to change"

    Regarding the bottle, I'll accept either if someone wants to give it to me ... as long as it's not empty-:)

    Happy New Year!

  5. And tastes change, too. Martini used to be a popular drink ;-) Just for the hell of it, I went and found a 70's advert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YasIm-3wTC4

    Happy new year to you & all yours

  6. Ham,clever you - thanks for that! I remember it too!

  7. The new bottle looks more feminine now. I wonder if they want animate men to buy it, because it looks feminine or if they want women to drink it because it looks like them..
    Maybe both...
    Barbara / Germany
    PS: Have a super 2010!!!

  8. Interesting post for change. I rather like the new bottle. But I don't have a history with the old one. The top shot, as always, is so beautifully captured that I feel I could smell her perfume. Happy New Year, Jilly. May 2010 bring you only good things.

  9. I must have missed the new bottle, but I still remember the older one which is the one shown on the legendary poster, if you have the whole image.
    A good choice, in any sense, for a very interesting post!

  10. Have a wonderful new year!

  11. A very appropriate quote, Jilly. Well-found.

    Concerning the bottle, it fits the criterions of that moment, "light, healthy, ....." I do prefer the old one too.

    Happy New Year Jilly....Do not change anything in your blog....

    The correct quote, in french is : "
    « Exister, c'est changer ; changer, c'est mûrir ; mûrir, c'est se créer sans cesse. » Henri Bergson.
    I searched it on Internet (I didn't know it before reading your post), because the one you found sounded strange, in french.


    Around the Fiftieth quote.

    Hope it can help. Kisses.

  13. Catherine, I changed it and thanks so much. Funnily enough I did a translation which sounded more like yours - then I found it on a French quotations website and thought it must be correct. Obviously that was a website that translated from English - from a Frenchman!

  14. I think new bottle is rather svelte! HA Sensuous someone said. Oui!

    I just love your street portraits Jilly. Always so very interesting. Today is no exception.

    We'll chat soon I hope!

  15. I'll drink to that!

    Your post is wondefully creative.

  16. I have found some nice photos from 2007 and 2008 that I would like to use in my blogs but last night was a bad night for me and I didn't get much rest. Most of the time I had one coughing fit after another. I thought I would try to just say, "thanks" to those who stopped today. I appreciate the comments, visits and prayers. I hope things will get back to normal soon.

  17. Great post! Change is constant, though as I get older I like it less and less, but change is necessary to live. To paraphrase Harold Wilson, "the only human institution which rejects change is the cemetery."

    I like the composition of the first image of the woman in front of the partial poster for Martini and Rossi very much. Great shot.

  18. «Louis» prefers the old bottle, too. This is a change he could do without.

  19. Another good one, Jilly. Happy New Year to you!

  20. I love the quote! It's perfect for today. And, speaking of perfect, what a perfectly composed photo!

  21. Wonderful post and portrait! Very clever entry too.
    Happy New Year!

  22. The marketing people must be pleased that the bottle shape is so distinctive that people associate it with their brand. When we were on a boat in the Norwegian fjords, the tour guide pointed out a waterfall cascading down the side of a cliff and said that the waterfall was in the shape of an Absolut Vodka bottle.

  23. what a fun and informative post for theme day. great images. A very happy new year to you Jilly. Dave and I hope to meet you in Eze one day for a drink of champagne at the Chevre d' Or. Your photos and comments have been excellent this past year. I look forward to seeing more wonderful images in 2010. Happy New year!

  24. Wonderful photo and wonderful woman.

    Very clever your choise.

    Sorry about our video Changes. We made a mistake ... Now is working. Please watch it and give us your impression.


  25. as a teetotaler these changes are lost on me but i can still wish you a happy new year.

  26. Jilly, I forgot to answer your question. I'm learing (or trying to learn) Paint Shop Pro Photo by Corel. I can do the basics, but there is still a lot to learn and it's slow going.

  27. Besides the change theme and the Martini bottles, that is a beautiful portrait against the poster. Very nice!

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  28. Beautiful photo and wonderful theme day post, Jilly. Your quote made me think and I love it!
    I want to wish you an especially happy and wonderful 2010 and hope it holds many happy surprises and wonderful moments. All the best to you, and thank you for all your great photos this past year. I love your blogs and wish I could visit them more than I do.

  29. je suis d'accord avec mon homonyme ; mais j'aime pas trop le martini

  30. Oh well done. A briiliant interpretation

  31. Nice image to introduce the change. Oh, and I like the new bottle too!

  32. Happy New Year, dear Jilly!
    We love Menton and want to spend half of the year there some years from now. Thank you so much for the wonderful Menton documentation. GREAT JOB. You help us stay connected.

    Ingrid and Tom
    Sonthofen, Bavaria, Germany

  33. Great take on the theme Jilly.
    I didn't participate in theme day this month, just didn't have a photo to match and had no time to devote to the project. Too bad.

    Your choice and photo were both super.

  34. Hello, Jilly. I hae been following your Menton Daily Photos blog when I saw a painting of an abandoned hillside mansion made by a blogger friend of mine - Irina!

    I made a painting from your post Theme Day: Changes. You can see it in my blog at http://avocaken.blogspot.com/2010/03/theme-day-changes.html.

    I'm late in asking your permission but the photo begged to be made into a painting. I, of course, will remove my post if you have ANY objection and offer my apologies in advance.

    Ken B.

  35. It's great, Ken and thanks so much for painting this. I so love it when a photo inspires a painting. Do hope subsequent readers will click on your link to see your work. Many thanks for the compliment.
