07 February 2010

3 Years of Menton Daily Photo - Going for Gold!

The beautiful Russian chapel in the Cimetière du Vieux Château of Menton has just had its onion-shaped dome painted gold. It's my favourite building in the cemetery and so today - Menton Daily Photo's 3rd birthday - seems a good day to show it to you as it gleams in the sunshine. The photo below shows it before the paint job.

The chapel was built in 1886 by Count Protassov-Bechmetieff and is the final resting place of several Russian Princes. The building is crumbling in places and becoming dangerous for visitors but happily, the Russian architect Andrei Smirnov will undertake, at his own expense the remains of the restoration.

And so on this 3rd birthday - one post a day for three years and never a day missed and the same on Monte Carlo Daily Photo - I wish I could invite you all for a glass of champers but we'll have to do it 'virtually' - please open that bottle!

Joining the City Daily Photo community has truly changed my life bringing a new field of creativity, so many new and valued friends and even a new job as journalist/photographer for CITYOUT Côte d'Azur. None of this would have happened without our dear Eric Tenin who started it all with Paris Daily Photo - thank you, Eric, and thank you to Demosthenes and Igor who keep us up and running every day.

Thanks to my fellow bloggers, some of whom I've been lucky enough to meet, others are valued friends from afar. So many of you, over these three years, have helped and encouraged me and even more of you inspire me. And thank you to everyone, blogger or not, who takes a look at my photographs each day.

I know I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place and the pleasure for me in blogging is to share the place I love so much. Photography has changed the way I see the beauty around me. Once I used to just 'look' but now, thanks to seeing my world through the lens of a camera, I really 'see' it. How lucky I am.


  1. Hello! My name is Linda and I spent last Spring in Menton,living at 42 Rue Longue. One morning I was sitting on my front step having a ciggie and you came by with your camera. We had a nice chat. You suggested a great restaurant whose name escapes me at the minute. (it's about 5 am here)But it was the one with the blue awning opposite the one with the yellow awning. Anyway...went there a couple of times. Very good-thanks. I told you how much I enjoyed going up to this cemetary so of course I love this photo! I only just learned how to use a computer so I've only found your photos a few days ago. But I love them and will look every day. I miss Menton so much and hope to get back there again soon. We ended our chat that morning when a rather grumpy dog owner came along and you went off to take the doggie's picture Bye for now.

  2. Linda, I remember you VERY well and the grumpy dog owner! The restaurant I recommended is Le Balico - it's great there - I love it. Glad you liked it too.

    Hope you get back to Menton soon. Thanks again for the comment. Lovely to meet you again and am so glad you are enjoying the photographs,

  3. gorgeous! thanks for sharing these views

  4. Well, what a small world, eh? Grumpy dog owners and all. -:)

    Happy Birthday, Jilly. Looking forward to another gold medal year from Menton!!

  5. Here's to you, Jilly! Your work sets a golden standard for our blogging community and photo journalism everywhere. Always a pleasure to visit your sites. Happy 3rd and many thanks for sharing!

  6. Very symbolic, going from grey to gold, as blogging changes our perspective.
    Mazal tov on your "perfect attendance" (as we said in school) to both blogs. A day never missed!

    And it led to real work?! Great.

    This is a beautiful tribute to the whole idea of photo blogging, so true.
    I raise a virtual glass and toast you with "Le-chaim!" -- to life!

  7. Wow! Congratulations. Here's to the next three years!

  8. Great three years, Jilly!

    Absolutely wonderful three years- muchas gracias!

    And......looking forward to lots more!

  9. Hi Jilly!
    Congratulations and cheers!! ;-))
    Looking forward to more wonderful photos on both blogs!
    Barbara from Germany

  10. Wow, 3 years, and without missing a single day! Your blogs are things of beauty, please carry on! Happy anniversary!

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yours is an Aquarian blog! Beautiful church, too! Here's to more years of Menton Daily Photo.

    Jilly, I read the above about grumpy dog owners. I have authored three children's books here, in English and Serbian editions, and one is called....Mr. Grumpy and Gruff! Send me your snail address and I'll send you a copy! For your birthday (blog's!)

  12. Oh Bibi, what a treat. I shall look forward to that. Address coming to you in an email. Big kiss. Jx

  13. Bravo!!!
    Three years, daily, is really something!!
    I sincerely hope to be around soon - again, together with some friends... and then the champagne will be more than virtual!

  14. well done jilly - all the best.

  15. What a difference the gold paint makes. I think it would be stunning after the restoration. I trust you'll take a photo of it then for us? :)

    Congratulations on your third blog birthday, Jilly! That is an amazing accomplishment, especially with two blogs and without missing a single day. Thank you too, for sharing your beautiful corners of the world with us. And congratulations on your new job! I hope that doesn't mean you're letting the dog hostel go!

  16. Happy blogoversary, Jilly, m'dear. I raise a glass of bubbles for the bubbly one!

    You zest shines through, in your blog and in your comments and I treasure them both.

    Here's to the next twelve months -
    hip hip hooray ...

  17. Well that church is spectacular. Can you stroll through the cemetery? I'd love to see that!

    Happy Birthday Menton DP!!!

  18. Congratulations on 3 years! As a blogger myself, I know what a commitment it takes to do a post every single day...great job with that. I love both your blogs. They add a bit of sunshine and warmth to my wintery Iowa mornings.

  19. Happy birthday Jilly and congratulations. Also, congratulations on your job at CITYOUT Côte d'Azur.

    Best wishes for many more great photos.

  20. Bon anniversaire Jilly, going for diamonds you mean!

  21. Jilly,
    I left a congratulatory comment on your Monte Carlo blog so i won't repeat that here.

    The first comment above I think is a testimonial to your blogging initiative. You went in pursuit of a dog photo even when faced with the obstacle and unpleasantness of a grumpy dog owner.

    I feel sorry for a dog with a grumpy owner. People choose their companions. Dogs don't. Maybe he is not grumpy when he is alone with his dog. Perhaps it is only other people who make him grumpy.

  22. And how lucky we are, Jilly. A toast to you on this day in celebration of you, your camera, your comments, your kindness, and your daily presence, enriching lives around the world.

  23. I started visiting your site when my husband was invited to a conference in Menton in March 08 but he never went! Thank you for letting me share your world and for inspiring me to use my eyes and my camera more than I used to. Bless you! Sally x:)

  24. Happy Birthday!! Congratulations on 3 years of great photos and information. My day wouldn't be complete without a stop here!

  25. Bless you, Jilly! And congratulations on three years of being a blessing to the rest of us!

    You are a very good "advertiser" for the area!!

  27. Congratulations Jilly and Happy
    3rd blog Birthday . Thankyou for the pleasure you give us each day, through your eyes and camera lens we too learn to 'see' as opposed to just looking. Hope we may be able to drink that toast in May.

  28. Thank you so much for all these generous comments. Made my day! To my blogger friends and to non-blogging friends who visit Menton DP, your words will be treasured.

    And Hilda, yes, I'm still looking after dogs but am taking a few less now and getting even fussier as to which ones get to sleep on my sofa! It makes life easier so I can get out to take photographs and do the work for the other website too.

  29. Happy, happy birthday, Jilly!!! I'm relatively new to your blog and have been enjoying your photography immensely!!! I am also blogging (thechieftess.blogspot.com), but only once a week...I am amazed at your successful commitment to 3 years of perfect blog sharing!!!

  30. Congratulations! I don't always leave comments but I enjoy your pictures everyday.

  31. Congratulations! I have been following this blog for a few years. And I have been in Menton as a tourist last 3 years. Your blog has been very useful.
    Thank you!

  32. I am delighted that chance led me to link my blog to yours today - how befitting, I couldn't have chosen a better day! I am so proud that you have achieved 3 years of continuous blogging... on two blogs !

    What an adventure it has been, in so many ways!

    Thanks to your blogs the quality of your photography continuously improved, you met people (and I am so lucky to be one of them!) and changed the world of so many others (your first comment today is a fine example of that)... and even landed a job ! How brilliant is that.

    Like Peter I look forward to coming back to Menton to visit you soon!

  33. Congratulations, Jilly! And many happy returns of the DAILY PHOTO for all of us. You make my day everyday. It is the first thing I look at on the computer - my Menton fix. It is truly a beautiful place and you are very lucky to be there.

  34. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!

  35. Thanks for your well wishes Jilly & also alerting me about your 3 years! A wonderful achievement & true testament to your dedication.
    I haven't been here in a while but I have always enjoyed your photos whenever I have visited.
    Congratulations on a job well done!

  36. A very happy birthday! :-)

  37. Sorry to be late forthe third birthday of one of the best daily photo blogs around.
    Your images are alway excellent and the text interesting and funny. Keep going, your blog is a model for us, surely for me.

  38. Once upon a time I began to read blogs.... With so much love about Menton, I searched if it existed a blog concerning Menton.....Then, I found Menton DP, later a dear, dear friend when I met you Jilly. That's a miracle offered by blogs, going further than a simple virtual link. I'll continue my daily (not always daily, as I'm not as regular as you. But I read all your posts)readings as long as you continue.

    I hope we'll share a real Champagne cup at the Balico soon. Kisses from your friend who shares your love for this beautiful city, as well as a feeling of friendship, views on life, and souvenirs of moments passed together.

  39. Happy Birthday! Wow! Great work over the years.

  40. Hi Jilly - congratulations and sorry I missed the day, but better late than never. Seeing the chapel again reminds me of last May. Need to come back and get an up-to-date-photo.

    All the best!

  41. Happy, happy anniversary, Jilly! I love Menton Daily Photo - it's where I travel through your photos. :)

  42. Happy Anniversary. I love visiting your site every day for your beautiful pictures of Menton. Looking forward to many more wonderful posts from you. Congrats!

  43. Three cheers for 3 years of wonderfulness on Menton Daily Photo! Jilly, you are delightful, insightful, inspirational, fun, and a beautiful person. . .and, not only the most prolific blogger among us (two blogs of quality run simultaneously for 3 years), you are one of the most dedicated photographers and sleuths of really great sights and facts to add to our pleasure in reading your blogs.

    Big congratulations on another significant milestone, and wishing you continued enjoyment and adventures in bringing us visions of Menton and Monte Carlo. Thank you, too, for being so gracious, kind, and active in visiting so many of the rest of us. You are just the sweetest!

  44. avec un peu de retard, un JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE a tes deux blogs...Felicitation et bonne continuité

  45. Jilly although late, not meant any less; I think you are doing a tremendous and wonderful job with both blogs. Every time i visit i am amazed (and jealous :) ) about the beautiful photos you make.
    Keep up the good work and looking forward to lots more !!
