12 February 2010

Come to the Sunny South of France!

Snow! Today is the first day of the Fête du Citron (the Lemon Festival) and yesterday we had 20 centimetres of snow. I'm snowbound in Gorbio. This is most unusual - come to the sunny south of France!

Yesterday, the majority of flights to and from Nice airport were cancelled and the motorways were closed in many sections. When I woke there was no water so the dogs have been drinking bottled Pellegrino.

Update - it's now melting...


  1. superbe la premiere photo, cela fait penser a une peinture. La fete du citron sous la neige, cela va etre beau aussi, et different des années suivantes

  2. I bet that was a bit of a surprise.

  3. So fragile and beautiful, and a definite contrast to your colorful lemon/orange photos!

  4. Jilly,
    That is so beautiful - Mentone, Melbourne in OZ has clear blue skies over the bay but as the climates change we will exchange seasons in Menton/Mentone.

  5. What a contrast to your fete du citron posts last year. But this, too, shall pass. Quickly I hope. Though I'm so glad you were able to get out and capture these delicate images.

  6. Ah, so now you are aware that the beauty often comes with a price! But, you already knew that I'm sure. The snow is lovely and always makes a great photo, and it is probably like Santa Fe, melting quickly.

  7. What an amazing site! Your photos are beautiful. I hope the pipes thaw very soon.

  8. Snow?! Well it is pretty despite the problems it causes.

  9. Your first picture is fantastic, Jilly !!!
    After this comment about the artistic aspect of the situation, I realise that there are no reason to rejoice about it.
    Please, Jilly, order sun for my coming arrival ! Do trains run ? The traffic is yet difficult in normal conditions !!!
    I have had enough snow for one year....so I want the same picture in green.

  10. Don't worry Catherine, it's nearly all gone. Sun came out in all its glory. Everything should be back to normal soon. Only snow left is in the shade.

    Hope to go down tomorrow to photograph the Fete du Citron - also Sunday for the Corso.

  11. Stunning photos! Lucky dogs, pellegrino.

  12. Pellegrino to the dogs, ha! Are you feeding them foie gras because you couldn't go out and buy their dog food?

  13. amazing..is that middle photo your view from gorbio?

    manhattan beach, calif

  14. Foie gras! I know many French - and others - love it but I feel the way the poor geese are force fed is utterly cruel and wouldn't buy it in a fit!

    No, they get their normal food! I had plenty of that, just didn't have water when the pipes froze. Happily now the snow is nearly gone and life goes back to normal. Blue skies, sunshine!

  15. Rick, it's part of the view from my terrace. I live two and a half kilometres below the village of Gorbio.

  16. Hope we don't make pictures of "oranges et citrons givrés" !

  17. We got snow in Rome too. It created mayhem in the streets (rain tends to do that already) but did not stick, or at least not for long.

  18. Wow, beautiful top shot Jilly!

  19. You got a beautiful shot, but at what price! This is so strange...

  20. Lovely! I vaguely remember seeing a picture of frozen lemon trees in Nice, many many years ago. They were totally covered with ice. Must have been a catastrophe for the producers

  21. Whew! Winter again, and lemons are supposed to be picked and celebrated? Go figure!

    Hey, Jilly, I think I want to be a dog at your house and drink bottled Pellegrino ... frizzante, per favore. LOL!!

  22. Gorgeous, looks just like my yard here in the "Sunny South"!
