11 February 2010

The Fisherman

This man is fishing in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, almost exactly on the border of Roquebrune and Menton. You can see the steeples of the Old Town of Menton in the distance.

He was so involved in his fishing and doing whatever he was doing with the reel, he didn't notice me. He would seem to be a man who is completely comfortable in his skin, and with such a kind face.


  1. très concentre ce pécheur, et alors est ce que ça mord ?

  2. I watched him for a while, Olivier but he didn't get a bite whilst I was there. On the other hand there was a large bucket nearby - it was impossible to see what was in it as he was on rocks below where I stood. Hopefully the large bucket signified optimism!

  3. What an amazing wrinkle pattern he has on his forehead, looks like he's done a lot of deep thinking!

  4. The title says it all for me. The Fisherman. I am not that religious so the title doesn't remind me of Jesus, the fisher of men. Bur the little and much used fishing float (we call them corks as kids used real corks tied to string)says this man has been fishing for a long time and is stuck on the idea. He is a very handsome dude not as old as me but I might be surprised.

    I try to learn something from each picture you take and it has quickly become, for me, a challenge on what I can say when I see some of your work on display as it is outstanding. Thanks for your visit and comment.

  5. He is a man so comfortable with himself. He seems to need only a rod, some bait and a sea.

  6. Son visage basané est tout buriné par le soleil et le sel de la mer, je suppose.

  7. Fishing already, or can it be done year round? His concentration is wonderful, as are your photos.

  8. Kind face, blue sea, large bucket, does the world get much better than this ?

  9. Another great people picture, Jilly. You have such a good eye.

  10. I think he would be at ease with his fellow fishermen here or anywhere in the world. I like their company because they don't talk much and don't care if I'm shooting around with my camera.

  11. un petit lainage malgré le soleil
    nous c'est l'écharpe et les gants

  12. What I wouldn't give to join this man and fish. It's quite enjoyable to sit there and watch the seascape around you. It's sort of like meditating but with a pleasant view.

  13. Certainly the best place on earth for him to be.
    Alone, just him and the sea.....
    and you, but hush ! He didn't notice......

  14. I like weather beaten faces like this, that and kindness seems to go together. Serge in Barcelona does excellent weather-beaten portraits, too.

  15. Your shots remind me so much of childhood outings with my parents and their friends all along the California coast and down into Mexico to go fishing. I think Abe is right about the floater. . .I don't recall seeing anyone use one to surf fish, but my folks used them for lake trout fishing. My folks and their friends aged of course, and this gentleman reminds me of a particularly loved "uncle" in the group of friends who showed me how to clean every kind of fish they ever caught, from catfish in the Sacramento delta slews to Sheepshead and Cabizon in Baja. There was always a peace and a quiet presence with them all when fishing. They would fish many yards apart and seldom spoke, but were just enjoying nature, the day and each other. And when someone's pole bent. . .OH MAN. Everyone was happy. Your photos remind me of so many good times, and we just lost the friend last year that these shots remind me of. His jacket is such a beautiful foil for the blue green of the sea. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
