05 February 2010

Wood: 5 - the Old Gate

This wooden gate in Gorbio village is never opened these days.

Note the tiny 1445 Chapelle des Pénitents Blanc, photographed last summer before it was repainted. Soon, we'll come back here for the Festival of the Pénitents Blancs which takes place at this little chapel in August. The photos have been waiting since then but there is always so much to show you and not enough days! Soon...

Meanwhile do come back on Sunday when Menton Daily Photo celebrates its 3rd birthday.


  1. That gate has a lot of character and the stone wall is amazing. To think mere humans placed those stones there to support the hill side. Amazing!

  2. superbe vieille porte, qui doit mener dans un jardin secret, cela me rappelle le Lot...

  3. I was wondering about the weather, then I read your caption...
    Nice effect: old wood and stone are almost the same color.

  4. So beautiful, and so tempting to explore.

    You betcha I'll be back on Sunday!

  5. Your series on wook shows the many approaches one could take to the theme. It's fascinating.

    It really was a great theme, being so broad.

  6. What is it about us the makes us so drawn to a closed gate? I want to go through it immediately and follow the neglected path.

  7. Another great WOOD contender. I feel like that old gate some days!!

    3 years on Sunday? Great, I'll have my party hat on and I think Peter will bring champagne for us!


  8. Happy 3rd on Sunday!

    Here is my favourite gate, it's in Eze: http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2169489630035362839SlbAcH -- it's the Porte des Maures (The Moore's Gateway), where they came through to capture the town ( see sign at http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2274738100035362839ilsMeS )

  9. tennisjazz, I've photographed the gate - a couple of years ago I think. Must look and see if I published it on this blog. Got a feeling I didn't think the pic good enough. Will check and if not, will go back one day and re-photograph it. I agree with you it's so interesting.

  10. Your wood series is truly a joy, Jilly. Shall be there Sunday to help celebrate the occassion!

  11. Yes, so many good photos, too few days.
    Mazal-tov to Menton Daily Photo on three good years. I look forward to many more.

  12. There is something precious about this photo. I think it's that rugged, old world feel to it because we hardly see stone walls like this any more. It's such a lovely photo.

  13. There is something precious about this photo. I think it's that rugged, old world feel to it because we hardly see stone walls like this any more. It's such a lovely photo.
