03 March 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - One for the Boys

Alright you guys, if you can get beyond the body beautiful, take a look at the facial expressions of the two dressed-up little girls. What are they thinking?


  1. Let me be the first to say, "Ooo la la!" Very fun captures of all the pretty girls, Jilly. Looks like a samba dancer that has lost a bit of her feathered finery along the way. I got a kick out of the big grin on the photographer guy's face in the third shot. She's lovely and you got wonderful shots.

  2. Their brains surely are ticking over, I agree. I like the expression of the one on the right, and its nothing even to do with how cold it must be!

    Like the angle to the gentleman's camera!

  3. I believe the one in the Wizard costume is thinking 'okay there is absolutely no way you are ever getting me out of pants and puttin' that on me!'
    And Minnie is thinking 'my mamma never told me there would be days like this'...
    and quite frankly even though I don't come anywhere close to having the body beautiful I do live in a society where I do have thoughts of both the Wizard and Minnie because I don't have the Body Beautiful and/or just because...what a beautiful picture from all aspects..thanks for sharing...I would be interested to know what your answer would be..care to share?

  4. Oh la la. A very beautiful and very audacious woman. Very nice photos.

  5. VIVE LA SAMBA et LE CARNAVAL ;) voila un rayon de soleil pour ma journée

  6. Well seen and well done!
    (I like the faces.... of people watching, too.)

  7. une photo qui nous réchauffe

  8. I'm tempted to write that these days you are never quite sure - especially after covering the Zurich Street Parade over the years......

  9. Oooooh la la - one of the boys, you say? Let me tell you that their eyes didn't go for the looks on the little girls faces first! LOL

    She's gorgeous: great legs, thighs, butt, tummy - she's got everything right.

    What are the girls thinking? I wouldn't have a clue. Absorbing a certain approach to femininity I guess - the Barbie standard.
    I hope they make their own way out of it and turn to become independent, happy young women who grow to love their own body no matter how different to the skinny model standard it looks.

  10. And... I'll second Lisa in her request to you!

  11. Nathalie again!
    Jilly regarding your comment on Avignon in Photos today the right to vote comes with citizenship. Why don't you ask for it? You can still keep your British passport, you can have dual citizenship.

    I guess that from a French point of view your position doesn't make sense : Why would someone who's been living in France and paying tax here for 19 years refuse citizenship yet want the right to vote?

    Citizenship with its rights and duties attached is an important part of the French psyche. You either want yourself in or out of the system but it's a full package. Only taking the elements you want is not an option.

    I hope I don't sound too harsh on that, I don't meant to be. I'm just trying to explain how the French national identity works.

  12. Nathalie, you know I've never thought of it yet I have no intention of ever living anywhere but France. I'll die here, for sure. So yes why not? I didn't even think it possible but that's my fault - I've never thought it thru.

    I think perhaps my surprise arose because when I lived in Australia I could vote and presumed it would be the same here.

  13. The lady in red is beautiful and looks good in the outfit and would good in an old burlap feed sack.

    The best part of these three photos for me is to click them and look at the faces on the onlookers. The last photo shows a little girl in a pink costume looking up at her mommy. Her mommy is smiling and if you look, her foot is curled up. She is a but envious I am almost positive of that. And who wouldn't be? Well the lady in brown right beside her. I think she is thinking the girl should not be over-exposed. She just doesn't seem to be very happy. A prune, maybe.

    Fascinating photography, indeed.

  14. Lisa and Nathalie - well seeing as you asked! And Nathalie I so agree with your comments.

    I didn't notice the expressions on their faces till I saw the shot on the computer. In fact I'd taken shots earlier of these children when they were having a ball, showing off and being the centre of attention, particularly the little girl in red. So my initial thought in seeing their expressions was that perhaps they were somewhat pissed off that this exotic creature had come along and taken attention away from them. I don't actually think that's fair tho or even true. I suspect they are just astounded. Minnie Mouse is wondering how she manages on those high heels and the little girl in blue is perhaps in awe of the confidence of the dancer and feeling somewhat vulnerable as she doesn't have that confidence or even that or her friend in red.

    I remember seeing two people kissing when I was very young - at a beach somewhere and feeling I was sharing some incredibly secret moment yet I didn't understand it. Perhaps thoughts - focused thoughts - don't happen at this age yet I can remember every colour of that day, how they kissed then walked quite far apart and then came together again. It was just the wonder of it.

  15. Yikes! She's the paragon of the ideal feminine bod. The expressions on the little girls' faces are priceless!!

  16. I'm sending this to my husband. Next year he will be inviting me to the Fete du Citron!!!

    Love the girls faces - priceless!

  17. Do you think the girls could be thinking "My mother would not buy shoes like that for me."

  18. Such a fascinating post. I love the discussion too. The lady in red is stunning, but I, too, am fascinated by the crowd and their reaction to her.

  19. Doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it? I'd kill for a body like that.

  20. Jilly ask....What are they thinking?
    Is it possible they are asking themselves if they will look like her when they grow up?

    Enjoyed today's comments.

  21. Merci beaucoup for always providing such beautiful photographs. After all, this is oner of France's assets

  22. This whole post is so much fun I'm sitting here laughing. My first thought is that Minnie Mouse is wondering how in the world she's walkinging those red shoes. Then i got a load of the bottom (pun intended?) photo and thought.......only in France! I say it often. The expressions are priceless. Thanks for sharing them all with us Jilly.

  23. Wow! Those expressions on the 2 girls say it ALL!

  24. Hi!

    Nice and sexy...


  25. Okay, you got everyone's attention, but the top picture is fabulously well composed. Great juxtaposition. The two girls seem to realize that it's still winter and it's simply foolish to parade down the street with a cold bum.

  26. Just a little P.S...I love that 3 simple photographs can spark this much conversation from all over the globe...thanks again for such beautiful, colorful pictures!!! Love and Blessings to you!

  27. mmm ... not sure how you got to vote down here, Jilly. But the same thing happened to my F-i-L who had a British passport but had been voting for years until someone checked back. He was then told no citizenship, no vote. He was annoyed to say the least. I am going back to the early 90s here, so a relatively similar time I suspect.

    Isn't that good that you can find a place you like enough to be able to say that you will die there. I like that.

  28. Julie, well perhaps I'm getting myself confused, because I am an Australian citizen, as well as a Brit but I had assumed i had the right to vote in Oz, regardless, as I had a business and paid tax in Australia. So I see from your comment that isn't so and is therefore the same as in France.

  29. Sounds to me, Jilly, that you are a citizen of the world! I suspect I think a little differently from Nathalie - and probably from the vast majority of Australians. I don't have a kenedyesque view of "my country, right or wrong" ...

  30. I've visited Menton in in December, January, Easter, summer but never for "La fete du citron" Big mistake! BTW Hi Jilly, another Australian Citizen here, thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures of the event. I read my RSS feeds in Google Reader so I don't often make comments!! And Kate, you're right, I'd kill for a body like that as well ;-)

  31. .....And the girls are thinking "How she he must be cold !"
    And the Carnaval goes on all year long at the terrace of the Mandibule on the evening with the same dancing girls.....

  32. Thank you so much, Jilly :)
