17 March 2010

Spring is Here - the Sun Shines at Last

This was how the sky looked two days ago - sun with just a little cloud. Yesterday, not a cloud to be seen. It's so good to see the steeples in the Old Town rising up to a blue sky once again. The sun has finally chased winter away.

Remember the photo a few days ago of the derelict Villa Mer et Monts? Click to see. This inspired a charming watercolour by the Russian artist Irina . Do click on her blog Irina's Paintings and Stuff to take a look. Thanks so much Irina.


  1. c'est magnifique, un endroit de reve, surtout avec les couleurs des maisons

  2. Hello,

    That looks wonderful!



  3. Menton cheats, Jilly !
    Sun perpetually covers the walls of its houses......for the best.

  4. Yay for all of you! That looks wonderful!

    On my way to see Irina's painting. I love watercolor paintings and have great admiration for artists who use the medium. It's not as forgiving as oils.

  5. I'm not surprised that your other photo inspired a watercolor, which I am about to check out. Today's photo will too, I bet. Or else some sort of cubist collage.

    Beautiful place.

  6. Hurray!!!!

    A couple of posts back you quoted Fernand Léger : 'Man needs colour to live; it's just as necessary an element as fire and water.'
    How very true, but man needs sunshine too! We were getting desperate, weren't we?

    Enjoy enjoy enjoy !

  7. The cloud bank, the birds, the angle of the architecture, and of course the blue sky all come together to make this a delightful image.

  8. See ... we are sharing. Our temps are now down to 25/26C amd yourn should be just coming up to something similar.

  9. Jilly, I see here another inspiring photo. And the spring. Talented photographer in wonderful decorations:-). I am so glad you liked my sketch.

  10. This looks great. Nice photo and I can feel the Spring.
