13 March 2010


'A hush is over everything, Silent as women wait for love; The world is waiting for the spring.'

~ Sara Teasdale


  1. We're waiting, too, but our bulbs haven't even sprouted yet....:( I will content myself with your lovely photo.

  2. From the looks of the small picture, the store bought too many as some have spent blossoms.

    It has warmed up here considerably and we even had a thunder and lightening late yesterday and heavy rains. I saw nightcrawlers on the sidewalks when the street light shined on them.

  3. We're waiting our first blooms, may be this weekend will be the right moment.
    (So the not really silent of the women I know, are clearly not waiting for love...)

  4. Perfect title, perfect quote, perfect image. That top shot brought an immediate smile to my face.

  5. I think this year is everyone extremly waiting...

    Nice shots...

    Greetings and have a nice weekend..

  6. I have a son who has a real green thumb, and I believe that it is because I used to put bulbs in his room when he was an infant and toddler so he could watch their slow blooming. It worked. Love the shades of green in the photo!

  7. I shot some dafs in the ground at the gardens the other day and "waiting" was my thought as well! :)

    PS I didn't know women had to be silent waiting for love. Maybe that's my problem!HA

  8. Hi!
    Finally a little bit of spring!!
    I bought both kinds which started blooming today (!!) in pots in my living room! What a coincidence! ;-))

    Barbara from Germany

  9. They are going to be so beautiful. It will be worth the wait. They are going to be so beautiful. We wont be see daffodils in Juneau, Alaska until April.

  10. Rigolo, j'ai pris presque la même photo (que celle du haut) il y a une dizaine de jours le long du Lez. Je vais la poste r:-))) Je pense que les fleurs ont dû beaucoup souffrir du froid de cette semaine!

  11. Yes, Jilly, these daffodils make us wait a little bit more for spring....... ! For love, I imagine there's no need to wait in silence, except for women of the beginning of the XXth century.....
