30 April 2010

Apricale - the Enterprising Flautist

Meet Victor who installed himself in this little corner of the square, set up his music stand and started to play. Note, in the last photo, a small box to collect money from happy listeners. He's also selling some toys displayed on the table.


  1. I can almost hear him....I enjoy listening to flautists.

  2. Your close up portrait of this budding musician and entrepreneur is simply charming and I could see a painter wanting to capture this scene. I love that you pulled back and showed us the "whole picture" of him framed in the arch. . .it gives such a sense of place. I bet the acoustics under there made for some natural amplification.

  3. Great picture of Victor. His music was a delight to everyone's ears on that village square.

  4. And was this young entrepreneur supported by the public?

  5. Hi Jilly! It appears that Victor picked a place that probably had good acoustics! :-)

    The wagon/cart behind Victor "worries" me - is there another entrance? (Probably, but ya never know unless you ask.)

    And I agree, these are the beginning to a good start for a painting!

    Ken B>

  6. Ken, he had to climb the little wall. In fact this area is under the square above this square. Complicated I know!

  7. Great to see the young musician. He could be travelling the world doing this in a few years time.
