14 April 2010

The Soft Light of Morning

We're still at Le Clos du Peyronnet looking at the facade of the Old Town from William's belvedere. We see a hedge in the foreground because I'm short! Another time, I'll take a stool or ask William to unlock a nearby gate.

This was taken at 09.00h from a point very near to the Italian border. The mountain behind is the TĂȘte du Chien which is above Monaco. The colours of the buildings are so much softer than we see in the bright light of midday.


  1. This picture looks soooo familiar....☺

    Jilly, the photo on your blog's title has always been one of my favorites!

  2. This photo is quite simply...stunning! I love it.

  3. This is just beautiful. Your pictures make me wish I was there. I have a daily blog that I and two others do (Downeydailyphotos.com). It's all we can do to keep up with one blog. I've just learned you have three! You're amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Now, repeat after me! There is nothing wrong with being short!!

    This is very beautiful, Jilly. Made the more so, because I am sure that within here lie many similar beauties to what you have shown us in Menton and Gorbio. You made a not-too-bad choice all those years ago, you know that, don't you?

  5. Really beautiful. I know this sounds corny, but it would make a beautiful jigsaw puzzle!

    Worth getting up for!

    Bibi likes the 'Tete du Chien'.

  6. This is like a little morning song, so sweet and gentle. I'm smiling about your comment regarding your height challenges and the bushes (which I think add a nice anchor to the image). With my bad knee I'm unable to get down low for images and I'm finding that surprisingly frustrating. So even though I love this image, you have my complete sympathy if you feel frustrated by your limitations.

  7. A wonderful photo of Menton - very similar to your blog header photo, non?

  8. Yup, your choice has served you well. Light is such an important factor in photographing, and I wish I could handle it better than I do. Great shot!

  9. Ahhh, the light. It is the single most impressive thing about the South of France. Why else would all those Impressionist painters go there to paint? It's the light!

  10. Beautiful photograph of a beautiful town..
    The lighting is perfect at this hour.

  11. Looks more than a little like San Francisco, which we are about to leave. Except you only hear a little French here. Chinese and Spanish are more likely.

  12. Just lovely Jilly. I know the feeling about always having to be on tippy toes to see. I'm always having to find something to stand on!

    And drumroll please......TĂȘte du Chien.......head of the dog??? ( I knew it without having to drag out the dictionary!) :)

  13. Ah, now I know where this nice garden is! Thought it was more up, maybe Moyenne Corniche.
    I am glad you photographed the hedge. It gives me the feeling of fresh morning air in the shade!
    Barbara from Germany

  14. Not so easy to get the right light from here ! It's so often too much ! You succeeded that day, Jilly. Maybe too early for me during holidays.
