12 May 2010

The Late Colomba

On the back of the bike is a Colomba. La Colomba is a panettone (a light Italian cake-like bread) in the shape of a dove, sold in Italy and of course in Menton at Easter. Easter has gone and so they are being sold off cheaply and before they are past their sell-by date.

You can buy them filled with candied citrus, topped with almonds or there's a version with chocolate - all delicious and particularly good with a sweet liqueur. And if your panettone gets stale, why you toast it!


  1. This is good to know (and see).

    I only knew the colomba that my nun friends make at the appropriate holiday. It is nesting dove shaped bread with clove eyes. So nice.

  2. I know this colomba. And love this cake, fresh or toasted! I love your slice-of-life photo.

  3. The terrace looks nice, the bike looks nice and the colomba is certainly also nice! You live at a blessed place, no doubt!

  4. Any photo with a bike in it appeals to me! We have an Italian restaurant/grocery store in town that sells panettones, and we buy one, at least once a year.

  5. Anonymous12 May, 2010

    I love this cake. I love most cakes. Any cake with a candy filling is the cake I love the best.

  6. Have you tried in its pain perdu version, Jilly ? It's delicious. I get an easy recipe of leftover with panetone, I'll send you if I find it.
    Funny, but I thought you didn't like a lot desserts ?

  7. Don't apologize, Jilly, about the lack of comment. Please ! I'm not that kind of person, counting the number of comments, to go and comment back. I, myself, comment when I get time, when I'm in the mood for it. Sometimes, I just come and watch some posts without leaving a comment, because I haven't got enough time... And if some people feel upset about it, I don't mind. Blogging is a pleasure, not an obligation :-)

  8. This looks like the good life!

  9. Bless you Catherine. As you know I've houseguests for two months and we are all working on the house which gives me less time than usual. Bises. Jx

  10. This brings back wonderful memories for me. We toured Paris by bicycle at night on my birthday, and I fastened a cake to the back rack like this and rode with it all over the city, ending at the lawn on the Champs du Mars in front of le Tour Eiffel where we shared it with the folks around us, poured some wine and enjoyed the 10 PM light sparkly lights on the tower.
    My husband used to receive a Christmas panettone from his Italian boss every year. It was never my favorite but over time we grew to like them a bit. :-)
