11 June 2010

Arco Musica - Strings and Shadows

Our last day at the concert in Gorbio's church. Late in the concert, when the sun poured in, the instruments created interesting shadows.

In the smaller photo, the wonderfully enthusiastic conductor, Serge Stapffer, jumped up and down, conducting with an incredible energy that he passed on to the musicians - and us. And below one of the cellists - she is serious in this shot but often she was grinning to herself, so throughly did she love the music. She was a joy to watch and listen to, as were the whole ensemble. Bravo!


  1. Any string instrument is a joy to watch and hear played.

  2. Anonymous11 June, 2010

    I think it is marvelous when people love what they do. It then is reflected in the doing and infects everyone who is around. It is like the old fashioned yawn.

    Your friend does it, or your dog does it and you yawn too.

    It is nice when it is about love. Love of music. Love of food. Love of life and living.

  3. Beautiful Black & white
    Beautiful woman
    Beautiful intrument
    ....I have to say " Perfect !!! "
    : )

  4. This is like an appetizer for the music festivals we have in our area each summer. Thank you for this musical interlude of a series, Jilly. It has been full of warmth and admiration on your part and just as the conductor inspired energy in his players, you have inspired joy in us.

  5. I love these Jilly! I can feel their passion for the music.

  6. She is so still she resembles a mannequin in that light. That light is so gorgeous. Bravo to you Jilly for these! I am envious of these wonderful concerts you are attending.

  7. Wonderful first picture, Jilly. Full of light and shadow, especially, the shadow of the bow on their knees. Perfect !
