09 June 2010

Arco Musica - the Young Violinist

This beautiful young girl trained at the Conservatoire of Music in Monaco.

In the first photo, taken towards the end of the concert in Gorbio's church, her bow is caught by sunlight. It poured in from windows at the far end of the church and made her bow look rather like Darth Vader's light sabre in Star Wars.


  1. deux beaux portraits pour une très jolie violoniste

  2. Anonymous09 June, 2010

    Jolis portraits !

    je préfère celui du bas, il est plus "vrai" et plus naturel que celui ou la dame pose :)

  3. Love the second photo. Nice and casual but true to the subject.

  4. Je suis d'accord avec vous Alistair. J'ai fais un photo sans flash, exactement la meme du premier photo mais plus naturel - malheureusement, il est c'est trop sombre.

  5. Yes the top photo looks a bit too posed, but still it's a lovely portrait of a beautiful and talented lady. The more natural bottom picture comes as a great counterpoint. I love your Darth Vader story!

  6. Alistair, Oakland DP and Nathalie - I've changed the photos around - you are all right, of course!

  7. And I'm sure she was just as skillful with her bow. Lovely portrait, Jilly.

  8. She's got a bewitching air about her. I bet her playing was equally stunning.

  9. She's talented and beautiful - she'll go places in this world! Bravo violiniste de Monaco!

  10. Something magical about her bow, perhaps ?
    And something illuminating her eyes.

  11. Beautiful photo....beautiful girl!

  12. Anonymous09 June, 2010

    Portraits are hard because people don't often like to see themselves as others see them. The camera is even more harsh but this lady is pretty and has promise. I would think she would look even better with a few less curls.

  13. She's lovely. You caught so much wonderful light in that space. I hope the acoustic there did as much for the music as the light did for your making some great images. I enjoyed seeing them all.

  14. A beautiful young woman, and one with talent!!

  15. The top portrait is lovely!!!
