17 June 2010


Lavender in the square near the ancient Château of Gorbio.

The sign says -

Thankyou for not cutting the lavender - (the residents).


  1. dans le village de mon enfance dans le Lot, il y avait des champs de lavandes, j'adorais cette odeur. je mets encore dans mes armoires des petits brin de lavandes

  2. I love, love lavender; the color, the plant.... People here put such signs on their lilacs when in bloom.

  3. So that's lavender.
    I hope the sign works.

    I just now discovered that lavender oil works wonders on insect bites. It is a real blessing for me.

  4. Anonymous17 June, 2010

    I love Lavender.

    Mine is blooming too. And it about the same size.

    I am somewhat relieved in that I don't see your lavender crawling with bees and butterflies. Mine isn't either and I wondered why. I attribute my situation to our monsoon season.

    But it is getting Midwestern hot and humid now and while this heat and humidity used to be reserved for August, it is coming around early this year and will make us learn to hate June and no doubt July.

    I hate it because I can't get my breath in it.

  5. Mmmm, I'd be brushing past that lavender, releasing its scent whenever the opportunity arose.

  6. Very tempting! I can see the need for a sign. Love lavender.

  7. This reminds me that I've been wanting to re-do the parking strip in the front yard and had been considering lavender.

    Jilly, I've been thinking of you all day. The international German news program reported on the heavy rains south of you and the deaths due to a flash flood. I didn't know if you were also experiencing record rainfall up near Menton or not. Hope you and the pups are unaffected.

  8. Kim, the floods were in the Var - about an hour an a half from here. We simply had heavy rain for one night. Dreadful tho in the Var with still more bodies being found and 25 horses. Too awful. Thanks so much for your concern.
