22 June 2010

Les Sablettes

Summer? Is it finally here?

We are looking at the Old Town with the Sablettes beach below. This is a public beach and at the far end, you'll find the 'Fish Spa' we saw yesterday.


  1. A beautiful beach Jilly. Hoping summer came to stay.. so we can make use of the beach.
    Have a great day.

  2. l'été se prépare (bien qu'ici ;) )

  3. So similar to your banner! Yes the typical summer tourist shot.

    Hopefully we're out of the dreadful weather we've had lately. Obviously nothing as bad in Menton as in Draguignan and other cities in the Var?

  4. Great summer shot. Today we have a lot of sunshine but with too cold wind.

  5. This image contains the stuff of dreams, Jilly. Beautiful.

  6. Where is everybody?! I'd love to be on such an uncrowded beach.

  7. This is a call. J'arrrrrive !

  8. I could lounge here all summer long!

  9. That is a beautiful shot. I hope for you summer will be on the way soon. We have had May gray and June gloom in Los Angeles for a while (at the beach mostly) but then we are going to complain because it is too hot.

  10. Lovely 'wish I were there' photo, we too are now hopefully in to summer here in North Yorkshire.

  11. The view is lovely; I think I'll sit here for a while and relax!

  12. I like the minty green cushions.
    The color reminds me of toothpaste. :)

  13. Karen USA23 June, 2010

    What a darling little boy! I loved weekends in Menton when the young families came to visit Grandmere. The promenade was full of life. People left the boulangeries with lovely boxes of pastries for Sunday lunch. And when I visited last October they blocked off the street along the beach on Sundays for bikes, skaters, scooters et al. What a beautiful place is Menton, and how wonderful to have you sharing it with us, Jilly!

  14. What a wonderful place! Lovely photo too!!:)
