14 June 2010

Vernissage in the Village - the Installation

Not only is Gorbio one of the most beautiful medieval perched villages in the Alpes-Maritimes, it is also one that promotes so many cultural events during the year.

A couple of nights ago, at the recently restored château at the top of the village, there was a vernissage presenting the work of two talented young artists.

Here we see Michèle Kleijnen, a Belgian artist, who lives and works at her atelier in Menton. Colour, as you can see, is her passion and here she has worked with bamboo creating this installation. You can read about Michèle and and see more of her body of work by clicking on the link.


  1. original et surprenant, elle a un tres beau sourire, beau portrait

  2. I like her necklace! (Not so much the sculpture, though...but the colors I like.)

  3. Anonymous14 June, 2010

    I like colored sticks. I never would have thought of that.

  4. She's lovely, as are the photographs of her sculpture. The top image so graciously observes light and shadow and both the first and the second use the sculpture as a springboard to explore the beautiful setting. Jilly, thank you for the generous comments you leave. I can't tell you how much a value them.

  5. If colours is her passion, so she has well chosen to live in Menton.
    Perfect presentation against this orange wall and blue sky. I feel summer here !

  6. Lovely portrait Jilly ! I love the sun playing in her hair.
