29 June 2010

Walk to the Golden Onion

No internet for the last 24 hours! So a quick post to catch up.

See the golden onion on top of the Russian chapel in the cemetery? (top right) - this perhaps gives an idea of how far it is to walk up through the glorious Old Town to the cemetery. No one should visit Menton without making this walk.


  1. No internet for 24 hours? What is France? A third world country? How can people be expected to live without internet and cell phones and blackberries.

    I am glad it has not happened here. Julie would be climbing the walls if we were no longer connected to work and if our office was no longer connected to our clients. Unthinkable.

    A day without the internet would be an ideal time to walk the medieval streets of Menton up to the Russian church that you pointed out in your photo today, and which I remember from your previous photos.

  2. Such a lovely town; love the colors...

    I know what the previous commenter means....I would be nervous without Internet for a while, but isn't that awful?

  3. At the same time as losing the internet, I was suffering a stomach virus. Had I not been sick I'd have whizzed down to a cyber cafe but was forced to stay in bed and ponder. Quite right, we are all so reliant on the internet and I truly couldn't live without it. Soon everyone will have forgotten life without it! I love it tho!

  4. Hope you're feeling much better today, Jilly. It would be wonderful to meander through these streets, climbing up to that golden onion dome.

  5. Brattcat, thankyou. Not 100% but on the mend, well on the mend thanks.

  6. C'est magnifique! Menton est une bien belle ville. Il faudra que j'aille la visiter un jour. Je n'aurai même pas à prendre l'avion. :-)

  7. What a beautiful place! I'd love to walk those streets.

  8. Wonderful idea, Marie. The train would bring you here!

  9. Hope you are fully recovered, Jilly. I adore this photo and the other one of the arch. Such lovely daily sights--what blessings you capture to share with us. Thanks!

  10. Jilly! This is the very picturesque view on the cover of the French magazine (for learners of French) I received only a few days ago! It had a nice article about Menton.

    Glad you are "back" and "connected"

    A bientot
