19 July 2010

The Imaginary Friend

The Place aux Herbes is the perfect place to 'people watch.' Sit on the centuries old stone benches and enjoy the shade of the plane trees. It's incredibly hot and humid in Menton at the moment.

This little girl fascinated me. When she wasn't with her father, she ran about the square, hiding behind one of the trees (see below) and sometimes seemed lost in her own thoughts but of course she was playing with and talking to her 'imaginary friend.'

When you were a child, did you have an imaginary friend?


  1. With three sisters I've never really had the use of an imaginary friend. I always had someone to play with!

  2. Actually, I never did, but remember being fascinated by the idea that some kids had them. It was just me and my imagination then, but no imaginary friend! You've captured this little girl (and her friend!) very well.

  3. these are such sensitive portraits of a fascinating child. I lived in a city where there were half a dozen girls my age. i think i'd have loved an imaginary friend but there wasn't room for one in my little life.

  4. Still do, which explains much.

  5. Anonymous19 July, 2010

    I still do, too :)

  6. When I was a little girl my constant companion was my little Sheltie dog. He followed me everywhere, so fortunately I didn't need an imaginary friend.

    This little girl reminds me so much of a character in a movie I just watched called "L'Effrontee." It's pretty good and stars a teenage Charlotte Gainsbourg. She has a very cute little friend who looks a lot like this girl, maybe it's the glasses.

  7. Yes, me too. I still do.

    I love the main portrait, a direct pipeline into another soul. She must trust you a lot to have allowed you to see that aspect of her.

    Aren't the glasses wonderful ...

  8. Wonderful portrait, Jilly. I love this one.

    I had two imaginary friends, Timmy and Billy. But they moved to Kansas.

  9. B2 and Julie made me laugh out loud! I had an imaginary friend. I think it was a man, Mr. Borders. That probably has some troubling connotation that I don't want to delve into!

  10. Yes, I had one. Mrs. Goomgop, a motherly old soul, not unlike the nanny in "Elouise."
