02 July 2010

Reflections - 2

A beautiful blue sky? Wrong! In fact the main photo is upside-down. You can see it correctly displayed in the small photo on the left. And below, of course, you see a reflection the way I took it - focusing on the water only.

We are in the gardens of the Serre de la Madone in Menton where visitors are enjoying the pool and taking photographs.


  1. You've just taken my brain on a wonderful loop-the-loop ride. Thank you, Jilly.

  2. Brattcat's comment above is perfect, as her comments usually are.

    You are very clever indeed with your reflection shots. I had also planned to do another contrasting reflection shot fo rthe day after theme day, but I will be doing a lost dog post tomorrow to try to help someone.

    Your photos today illustrate the limitations of the camera. The light meter of a camera is not as adaptive as the human eye, as I suspect that the sky was more blue in real life than it appears in the camera because the camera setting will average the light from the sky and the water and make the water appear bluer and the sky appear whiter.

    It is similar to the loss of definition in white puffy clouds against a deep blue sky when shooting in an automatic exposure setting. The white coulds may just be all white, without the little shadowy effects, unless compensated for with a manual setting of the exposure.

  3. And I was standing on my head to get it all just right! HA

  4. Wonderful reflection !!!!

  5. You clever, clever girl, Jilly!

  6. Dave, you are right in that it was a fabulous day with a very blue sky - however I was shooting into the sun, so the sky above was bleached out - so I'm not sure I could have done much about that and still got the reflection in the water. In any case I think I took it on the automatic setting which I often/usually do. I wouldn't normally shoot into the sun like that but couldn't resist the reflection. The fault is mine, probably not the camera!

  7. Very beautifully captured. Lovely shots.

  8. Jilly,

    That first photo simply took my breathe away, enchanting and magical.


  9. Just goes to show you that what we see can be even better when 'altered'---the upside-down photo is really an eye-catcher...eerie a little, too, with those branches like arms/fingers. Excellent!!

  10. Wonderfull reflections!

  11. These are such great photos!

  12. Jilly, these are so ethereal and magical--I just love them! Some of my favorites of yours, and that's saying a lot.

  13. Right side up, upside down, backwards. Anyway you look at it, fabulous.

  14. What a beautiful place and beautiful shots!
