25 August 2010

Caption Competition!

We've not had a Caption Competition for a long time and this photograph seems suitable!

Followers of Menton Daily Photo will know that a chicken strung up on a pole and the Golden Apple stuck with coins is part of the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélémy that takes place in Gorbio village each August.

In medieval times two chickens were strung up by their feet, hung on a stick and offered to the curé. Today, they are put into a string bag and at the end of the ceremony returned to their owner. The tradition of the Golden Apple goes back to medieval times when the nobles made an offering to the church.

But the caption need have nothing to do with this snippet of history - the funniest or wittiest or cleverest wins a postcard of Menton or Gorbio - or both! Results next Tuesday.


  1. Pasi from Finland25 August, 2010

    Not a chance, you don't have finger nails long enough to do it as we do!

  2. Would you like to change places Monsieur ??

  3. Hen: "But I'm telling you AGAIN--I really AM the hen that lays golden eggs. Let me out and I'll show you...."

  4. A dangling chicken, a golden apple and a handsome old man.

  5. Apple: "Whatever you do, don't trust the talking chicken"

  6. Hen: George, what did you mean when you said this frock would set me apart from the flock...

  7. Soup? You promised I'd be the main course.

  8. What a fine mess you got us into Ollie.

  9. "Oh, my God - is it you Trudie? Seems I was too drunken when I said 'I'd like a chicken for my wife!'"
    Barbara from Germany

    Beautiful shot, Jilly!

  10. Caption: "Omigod I was supposed to bring a HEN not this ROOSTER!"

    Great photo, Jilly! I don't know how you do it. :-) I seem to specialize in photographing the backs of people when I attempt candid photos.

    Ken B.

  11. Just get out of my face will you - nobody mentioned 'coq au vin'!

  12. The rooster says to the man, "Don't tell me you don't remember how the heck I ended up like this! I told you we should have stopped at the eight tequila shot but nooooooo...."

  13. Stop asking why the chicken crossed the road!

  14. I think I"m a big fat loser here but here goes:

    " Now that I've sobered up, that redhead I took home last night isn't looking as good as I thought!"

  15. I know my French is rusty, but I swear I ordered chicken in a basket and apple pie.

  16. "quit, complaining, will ya? You're not the only one who's feeling the heat."

  17. nathalie in avignon27 August, 2010

    - Damned rooster, he picked my forehead! I've had it! Just wait till the end of the ceremony - there's "coq au vin" in the air!
