23 August 2010

Cats and Technology

'What if it were cats who invented technology, would they have TV shows starring rubber squeaky toys?' ~ Douglas Coupland.

For sure they wouldn't have invented texting...


  1. I"m trying to decide which one I love the most. Toss up. They are both terrific with two such different perspectives. V

  2. belle deuxieme photo, avec l'angle vu du chat

  3. Kitty's not interested in technology anyway, or so it seems!

    Both are lovely photos.

  4. Nice photo's. It seems when people are text messaging or on the cell they lose connection with the world around them, interesting phenomena.


  5. The same cat on both pictures! Always impressed by how they manage to do it, the jump! Do cats always correctly evaluate from how high they can jump? Obviously dogs don't?

  6. I like both these photos equally, as well, especially the contrast of the old and new. I agree with Joanny in how text messaging appears to isolate people more than connect them. It seems one can never be truly present in the moment when texting.

    Cats have much more exciting things on their minds than texting, like what part of town should I explore today, or where should I take my next nap?

  7. ....much liking the textures, colours effects here: the plaster/stone/fur and skin etc.....a lovely tangible roughness to it. Well captured, J

  8. I love these. Of course, I would...but the juxtaposition is so great (as someone said above, the colors, textures, etc) but also the different angles/persepctives. To the person above, most cats I've ever known (a lot) are adept at judging distance. No doubt there are studies about how this works (whiskers are involved w/balance, for example) but I haven't read them. Just observation. I've also seen some hilarious (but non-fatal) miscalculations. Then the somewhat sheepish "what are you looking at?" from cat..as it moves along, gathering its dignity up, sort of like one's skirts, & hopping off home.

    Oh these are grand, Jilly.

  9. Jilly, both of these photos are delightful and I am definitely a cat person. The architecture/cat in the first look like something from ancient Rome. The textures and colors of both are exquisite.

  10. Love the top shot the best, but the bottom one makes me laugh!!!

  11. What a wonderful wall and door that woman decided to sit down beside. I am thrilled that you saw her and got to take the photo, Jilly. Neat post all around, in fact.
