05 September 2010

Wisteria all Year Round!

The decorative friezes below the eaves of houses in Menton, Monaco and the hill villages were the work of Italian experts in fresco and stucco. Between 1860 and 1930, more than 200 friezes unfolded their abundance of fruit and flowers in lively scrolls. Neoclassical or more eclectic in style, some of these friezes have decorative elements showing cornucopia, griffons, putti or even gambolling rabbits.

This house is in the medieval village of Gorbio.

You can see another frieze by clicking on the link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lovely friezes, what a magical place, art and creativity everywhere.

    My favorite though still is the one by the sea, with the arrested decay. Shame the sea is reclaiming it. Did you ever go back, I wonder and take more photo's?


  3. That's so pretty. I would have one if I lived there.

  4. Joanny, I can't remember now which photo you are talking about! Can you remind me? Perhaps the date if it's not too much trouble.

  5. Jilly

    Villa Mer et Monts in Gorbio valley,
    last March?

    Hope that helps.

    Love to own it and renovate it back to it's original glory, the dreamer that I am.


  6. Such a lovely way of decorating the houses! This one's simpler than the first one you showed us, but I like it better.

  7. The street is so much like one in Montagnola, Switzerland. . .and probably like many others elsewhere. . .I find them so beautiful.

  8. Jilly, this is exquisite as is the one you linked. How wonderful that these have been preserved or have at least survived the years.

  9. The wisteria here is beautiful, but I hate hate hate the wisteria vine on my neighbor's property. It is a weedy self-seeder that I find everywhere. Can I send it to you?

  10. Another reason I want to see Gorbio with you!

  11. Is it really that old? It looks so fresh.

  12. It does look fresh, as Petrea mentions. Details in decorating like this are exactly what make so much of Europe so inviting!

  13. Petrea, you are probably right - perhaps it's been restored at some point. After all, those shutters would have had to be painted too. The tradition tho is old.

  14. I remember this one, I know exactly where it is. It's such a treasure for me to be able to share those memories with you...

    I'd love to copy that frieze and paint it around my bathroom. Wouldn't it be nice?

  15. These are great photos! I love the relaxed cat and the man with the dog and the baguette, too! :-D

  16. Joanny, yes of course. I got confused cos it's not by the sea. Mer et Mont is on the Route de Gorbio, high up and of course with a view of the sea. Yes wouldn't it be lovely if someone restored it. I somehow don't see that happening unfortunately. Sad.
