21 November 2010

'Fate is at your Elbow'

'Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at your elbow: make yourself good while life and power are still yours.'   

~ Marcus Aurelius.

'Ne vivez pas comme s'il y avait encore mille ans devant vous.   Le destin est à votre portée. Profitez et alors, la vie et la force sont toujours avec vous.' 

~ Marcus Aurelius


  1. Beautiful photo and quote. Love the light, especially on the top of the statue's head.

  2. Beautifully paired, this quote with this evocative image.

  3. Proof positive that there is always a new way to photograph something. I plan to use this for my photography class. Very creative and the light /shadows make it more so.

  4. wonderful shot Jilly! V...you're right on!!! And I really like the quote as well..

  5. Wonderful angle, Jilly !
    I passed so often behind this statue, photography it, never thought choosing that angle.

    A little glance at the sky, it could help for the fate ??.....
