16 November 2010

November Sun and Shadows

The wind blows most of the clouds away leaving a wonderful light and colour.

Well, that was the other day... today it's cold, overcast and raining...


Le vent chasse la plupart des nuages en laissant apparaitre les couleurs et une belle lumière.

Hélas, c'était l'autre jour ... aujourd'hui il fait froid, le ciel est couvert et il pleut...


  1. YOur weather usually moves down this way....today it is a warm 20 degrees C. But for how long? We're overdue for fall......

    I'd like to be sitting somewhere in this photo!

  2. magnifique ciel et temps, cela donne envie de prendre un chocolat chaud a la terrasse avec un bon bouquin

  3. May your sun soon return.

  4. Cold, rainy days are the best time to post and view photos such as this.

  5. With or without wind, here, Jilly, it always seems grey.....

    A nice starting point from where one can make one's thoughts take off.

  6. Love the red umbrellas all in a line with a scattering of shadows on the ground. With a blue backdrop as you have provided, this is stunning!

  7. I've had a chance to fling open my Paris parapluie often the last few days but this morning, the rain magically stopped and the sun came right out! I wish the same for you soon dear Jilly.

  8. Rain and fog seem to be a good European theme at the moment.

  9. Looks like a million EURO view to enjoy with one's lunch or coffee time treats!

  10. Oh, what lovely place and colors!

  11. You can guess what my reaction is. FANTASTIC CAPTURE !
