29 November 2010

PhotoMenton - the Collectors' Cameras

Yesterday was the last day of PhotoMenton and there was an enormous sale of second hand photo equipment - wonderful old cameras, lenses, even an old gramophones and lots of mad keen photographers.


Hier, c'était le dernier jour de PhotoMenton et il y avait aussi une brocante: vente d'appareils de collection ou d'occasion - merveilleuses vieilles caméras, objectifs, même de vieux gramophones et beaucoup d' amateurs passionnés par ces objets.


  1. The top one was used by my cherub!

    I just love these sales...they have them here, but I always find out too late!!!

  2. il fallait être costaud pour faire des photos dans le temps

  3. superbe collection, cela donne envie. En effet avant pour faire des photos fallait avoir des biscotos ;))

  4. So wonderful to see the intersection between your post and Malyss' post.

  5. I noticed the grips ! proportional to their size.
    Certainly, some beautiful objects.
    Let's imagine we get some wood on our modern cameras !

  6. A beautiful collection of older, beautiful equipment.

  7. Is it possible you do not know Malyss? Somehow I imagined you two were friends. Here is her blog address: http://chroniclesfromtheshore.blogspot.com/
    It's a wonderful blog, one I think you will love very much.

  8. Oh I'd have loved to have seen these. Peter and I found a shop at the Paris flea market once that had some similar ones. We wanted them all! I had to settle for photographing them.

  9. Brattcat, I didn't know this wonderful blog of Malyss at all. I love it! I can't believe I don't know there is another blog featuring these lovely photos of Menton. I have left a comment on her blog and hope to hear from her and to meet her. Wonderful blog on benches.

  10. Did you buy anything? You probably know that you can use old lenses on your G2, as long as you have the right adapter. I have a few which I sometimes use.

  11. It's a good thing my husband hasn't seen these, there'd be drool all over them.

  12. It's in these moments that I wish I had a lot more money than I do... would love to take a few of these antiques home, they are museum pieces...

  13. Maybe I should have started with one of these. I might have learned the craft better.

    Hey, my wife and I are talking about coming over your way next summer. Nothing definite but we are doing some research. Using our American Airlines points, it looks like we have a choice of flying to Heathrow, then BA to Nice, or flying to Paris and taking the TGV south. Any recommendation on that? Of course, we want to see Nathalie in Avignon, too.

  14. Je classe...et après vous envoie le lien comme promis.
    Content de vous avoir rencontré.
    Bonne journée.

  15. Gailsman, no I didn't buy anything. Didn't realise one could use old lenses on new cameras. I did buy (via the Internet) the 20 mm (35 equiv) 1.7 fixed lens, which I think you have. These photos were taken with it but I have to learn a bit about focusing in relation to the f stop.

    Bob, I think you know your craft very very well! As for a visit - fantastic - the red carpet will be ready. I'll write you privately on this but the TGV sounds a good idea as you'd get off in Avignon - have your stay there and visit with the divine Nathalie - then hop back on to Nice and Menton.

    Louis-Paul, je suis tres contente de vous avoir rencontré aussi.
