23 November 2010

PhotoMenton - Lucien Clergue

The guest of honour at PhotoMenton this year is the celebrated French photographer, Lucien Clergue. His shots of nude women with zebra stripes on their bodies are famous around the world. Click on the link to read more.

Monsieur Clergue was a favourite photographer of Cocteau and Picasso, with whom he remained friends for 30 years. He is also the creator of the famous Arles photographic festival, Rencontres d'Arles. Here you see him signing some of his books before he gave a conference on Saturday afternoon.

In the smaller photo you see Monsieur Clergue alongside one of the 120 photographers exhibiting at the show, Philippe Battesti.


Cette année, l'invité d'honneur à l'exposition PhotoMenton est le célèbre photographe français, Lucien Clergue. Ses clichés de femmes nues avec des zébrures sur leurs corps sont célèbres dans le monde entier. Cliquez sur le lien pour en savoir plus.

M. Clergue a été le photographe préféré de Cocteau et Picasso, avec qui il est resté ami pendant trente ans. Il est également le créateur du célèbre festival annuel de la photographie, les Rencontres d'Arles. Ici vous pouvez le voir dédicacer certains de ses livres avant de donner une conférence samedi après-midi.


  1. And....did Jilly have her photo taken with him? Cute little face he has. I am going to Google his photos.

  2. Yes Clergue's zebra-striped women bodies are amazing and instantly recognisable. It would be wonderful to be able to meet him in person.

    I really wonder about the future of photography - in today's world where everyone takes zillions of pictures and many people take pretty good ones, how easy is it going to be to make a name for yourself?

    Is there still room for instantly recognisable images in tomorrow's world?

  3. In fact on this subject I tend to think that one of the best ways to make a name for yourself it to be obsessed with a topic or style and to do nothing but that (or pretty much nothing but that) for your life time. That way people come to instantly associate your images/style with your name.

  4. I think Monsieur Clerque would love this image.

  5. That's very interesting that he moved to Menton for the exhibition. It shows that PhotoMenton is more and more important year by year. That way he promote the exhibition. And his own at the same time.

  6. Lots of art and artists posts today. Among all I have seen, this artist is the better known. Nice post.

  7. Catherine I agree - the fact that Paris Photo is on at the moment but that L. Clergue agreed to come to Menton instead is a very good sign!

  8. Bravo pour cette série de belles Notes sur un très beau festival.

    Et sourire en voyant la photo des dédicaces de Lucien Clergue. (sur la gauche, debout…)

    A ce week-end sur nos stands, amicalement.

  9. Ah merci, LP. Ah c'est vous a gauche!

    A ce weekend a PhotoMenton. Amicalement et merci pour gentille commentaire.
