24 November 2010

PhotoMenton - Valerie

This is Valerie Catala Pilato, one of the 120 photographers exhibiting at PhotoMenton. She's just across from my stand so we get to chat quite a bit. A charming and talented young lady.


Voici Valerie Catala Pilato, l'une des cent vingt photographes qui exposent à PhotoMenton. Elle est juste en face de mon stand ce qui nous permet de discuter un peu ensemble. C'est une jeune femme charmante et talentueuse.


  1. Looks like a nice young woman and I like her photos.

  2. I want to see YOUR photos soon.
    I am sure that they are beautiful and interesting:)
    Looks like there are a huge variety and a place I would love to visit.
    Interesting to meet other photographers too:)
    Thanks for sharing this big event with us.

  3. Gunn,will post a shot of my stand tomorrow or the day after.Promise!

  4. un beau portrait pour toi, et ces photos (j'ai regarde son site) sont magnifiques

  5. Are you enjoying this experience, Jilly?

  6. She's a beautiful, talented woman and her photos are wonderful!

  7. I love seeing the work of other photographers, it's both interesting and inspiring - makes me want to delve deeper into photography. Wish I had the time :-(

    Like Gunn I look forward to seeing your own display;-)

  8. Jilly, vraiment MERCI, tu est ADORABLE!! J'adore tes portraits, MERCI, d'ailleur tu est une photographe tres talentuose!

  9. Brattcat, yes I'm loving it. Was scared at the beginning but I'm learning so much. All the other photographers are so happy to impart information and to make suggestions. The organisers are fabulous. Have met the president of the nearest photoclub too - well it's all great. Just tiring! Ends on Sunday and that will be a long day as we have to take down all the photos and get them out of there and you can't park 120 cars outside, so I suspect there will be a lot of walking and lugging heavy frames. It's taken me four years to pluck up the courage to do this and I'm so glad I did. Now can't wait for next year. Have you ever displayed your photos at a show. You should!
