22 November 2010

PhotoMenton - the Young Photographer

PhotoMenton is becoming a bigger and bigger event every year.  This year 120 photographers are exhibiting at the Palais de l'Europe in Menton, including me!  My first time and so rather scary but everyone is so friendly and helpful and I'm learning so much.

Meet Barbara Jallais - she not only takes fascinating photographs but as you see is a work of art herself - she's young and beautiful and lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.


L'exposition PhotoMenton devient un évènement de plus en plus important chaque année. Depuis samedi, nous sommes cent vingt photographes qui exposons nos oeuvres au Palais de l'Europe à Menton.Comme c'est la première fois pour moi, je suis très impressionnée. Heureusement tout le monde est amical et  la recontre des autres exposants enrichit mes connaissances.

Ainsi, Barbara Jallais qui ne prend pas seulement des photographies fascinantes mais comme vous pouvez le voir, est elle-même une oeuvre d'art - elle est belle, jeune et vit à Roquebrune Cap Martin.


  1. Jilly

    Congratulations and good luck to you-- following you over time,you have some fabulous photography to exhibit.


  2. Congratulations, Jilly! Wish I could be there.

    This girl is lovely and I'd like to see her photos, too.

  3. Jilly I'm so proud of you entering this event, this is great. And you even manage to come up with one more great portrait, how clever!

    At the beginning I thought Barbara was a model but no, she's also a photographer - good luck to her :-)

  4. Nathalie, you are right, she poses as if she is a model - I guess if you are beautiful like her, you can!

    Thanks for kind words. It's a fabulous event and I can't begin to tell you how much one learns at such an event. So many comments and constructive criticisms and help on this and that to do with photography.

  5. She is beautiful! I hope she is not wearing those boots when she's doing her photography! That would kill me... ;)

  6. Congrats, well done, your photos are definitely worth an exhibition for themselves!

  7. Which of your photos hang in this exhibit?

  8. un beau portrait et elle est tres mignonne

  9. Jilly thank you so much for this picture !
    you're right this one is good.
    and you're sooooooooo kind ! really. ♥ ♥ ♥
    I started a blogspot, by this way, I will follow you easier. ^^
    see you on Wednesday~

  10. Congratulations on entering this event. I predict that it will be a wonderful experience!

  11. How wonderful that you work is going to be included in the exhibition - there is nothing more exciting than seeing your images displayed in an exhibition and seeing people appreciating them!

  12. Congratulations, Jilly. I am sure people are loving your photographs. The hard part must have been choosing what to exhibit. You have done so many marvelous things. I hope you chose the solitary fisherman off Cap Martin. That was one of my favorites - and the Place du Cap at night after a rain looking so golden.

  13. The Flickr exhibition I'm involved in starts on Wednesday. Alas I don't think there will anyone as glamourous as Barbara there.
    She reminds me of a young Stevie Nicks.

  14. That's fantastic Jilly, I hope lots of folks will see your photos there. Hopefully there is something that will tell them to look for more on your blogs...

  15. Thanks everyone so much. Karen, I didn't use either of those photos as I'd already made choices and had them printed. Perhaps next year?

    Brattcat, I will show my stand on the blog one day during this series. Thanks for asking.

    Gailsman, lots of luck with your exhibition. I'm finding this an amazing learning experience and making so many new friends which is fabulous.

    And Owen, yes, I've got printed signs directing visitors to my blog address, plus cards on the table.

  16. tu nous montreras tes photos ?

  17. Congratulations Jilly!!! Did you by any chance put the fabulous photos of the cleric hands???

    Your shots of Barbara are wonderful! Let us know when she gets her blog up and running!!!

  18. Bergson, oui - dans quelques jours.

    TheChieftess. Yes I did! And people like it.

    Here is Barbara's blog:


  19. Congratulations Jilly .. I'm looking forward to your post showing your stand.
