26 November 2010

A Strange Feeling...

Several of you have asked to see my stand, so here it is - see below. All images are from Menton Daily Photo and a few from Monte Carlo Daily Photo. It's such a strange feeling seeing people look at your photos.

There are 120 photographers exhibiting and there are almost as many different styles of photography. One man has photographed a dead tree about 10 times - different seasons/times of day. Really fascinating and beautiful. Some photographers do quite abstract work, others show only reflections or shadows - all wonderful. There are portraits, landscapes, underwater photography, reportage/journalism and also some who invent images with Photoshop. All are interesting and all valid.

You will find more photos and the story of the PhotoMenton marathon by clicking on the blog of Louis-Paul.
Je vous présente mon stand que plusieurs d'entre vous ont demandé à voir. Toutes les images sont de Menton Daily Photo et quelques-unes de Monte-Carlo Daily Photo. C'est un sentiment étrange de voir des gens regarder vos photos.

Il y a cent vingt photographes exposants et presque autant de styles différents de photographie. Ainsi, un arbre mort est présenté une dizaine de fois à différentes saisons et heures de la journée. C'est vraiment fascinant et magnifique. Certains photographes font un travail tout à fait abstrait, d'autres ne montrent que des reflets ou des ombres - C'est merveilleux. On découvre des portraits,des paysages, des photographies sous-marines, des reportages de journalisme et aussi du travail d'invention d' images avec Photoshop. Chaque stand présente une sensibilité intéressante et tous méritent leur place dans cette exposition.


  1. Goody, I'm first to comment and congratulate! What fun this must have been for you!!!

  2. So happy to see you Jilly and your stand...And yes, I recognize some of your posts. I would have loved to watch the entire exhibition. Certainly very interesting and inspiring. I don't have enough technic, neither an advanced camera but I get many ideas, and always search new subjects.

    So happy for you Jilly ! Sincerely.

  3. What a great event. I'd love to participate in something like this some day.

  4. Hurrah for you, Jilly! It's nice to "see" you and your exhibit. Is the exhibit for prizes, sales or just for the experience? It's humbling to hear what strangers say about a persons work and they don't know that you are the exhibitor! :-) A little spooky!

    Ken B.

  5. Hi! Interesting!!!
    Wish I was there to see them all!!!
    Yes, some of them I recognize, too.
    I keep my fingers crossed that you will be amoung the winners or if there's just one that it will be you!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Barbara from Germany

  6. Jilly, it must have been so difficult to narrow down your many extraordinary images to these beautiful choices. I love the intensity and engagement of the couple looking at your work. And of course I loved seeing you so radiant standing in front of it.

  7. Thanks for inviting us into your world for a brief time. This photographic exhibition looks like it would hve provided hours of enjoyable browsing.

  8. Jilly

    Lovely photograph of you, and with the scarf nice touch. I see some photos, from your collection from your previous posts - must have been difficult to decide which ones to show,

    From your smile we can safely say you had a wonderful time.


  9. Jilly, lovely to see you looking so good, wish we could be there to see your exhibits. Was there a theme or did you just choose at random - your favourites? Either way it must have been difficult, you show us so many great photos.Thank you.

  10. There is such a beautiful smile on your face, you must have enjoyed the whole process. How I wish I could see this exhibition!

  11. Freda, my theme was Menton and surroundings and all the pics are of Menton with a few of Monaco but most people were very precise in a theme - ie showing just landscapes or just reflections etc. One did just bicycles for instance. V nice too.

  12. Beautiful Jilly, congratulations! These are wonderful.

  13. Congratulations! What a great idea!!

    Your work has been consistently wonderful. So glad you were able to share it with others directly.

  14. How lovely to see you posing in front of your work - you look positively radiant, and rightly so. The photos you chose are definitely worthy of praise.

  15. I would have loved to come and see it - perhaps next year?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Congratulations. It must have been greet fun.

  18. OUTSTANDING Jilly. I just love seeing your marvellous photos in print! Really a superb selection. Congratulations.
