05 December 2010

The Art School - Life Class

About six weeks ago I enrolled in a photography class at L'Ecole Municipale des Arts Plastiques de Menton and the other day we were given the chance to attend a sculpture life class and photograph the model. Of course I'm not going to show you photos of a nude lady. Sorry! She was all woman and beautiful but it was just as fascinating to photograph the sculpture students as they re-created her out of clay.


Il y a environ six semaines, je me suis inscrite dans une classe de photographie à l'Ecole Municipale des Arts Plastiques de Menton et l'autre jour nous avons eu la chance d'assister à une classe de sculpture où nous avons photographié le modèle. Bien sûr, je ne vais pas vous
montrer des photos d'une femme nue. Désolée! C' était une femme belle et voluptueuse mais il était tout aussi fascinant de photographier les étudiants en sculpture qui la recréaient avec de l'argile.


  1. As impressive, for something to do. I really promises to be fascinating how something can be simulated with clay. They are truly artists, if there is such a beautiful work of art can come out of your hands.
    What a nice theme to shoot!

    Have a nice day,
    Daer greetings, Helena

  2. nice post,interesting,bravo.

  3. Very interesting! I love the first photo especially; I would say 'ow'!

  4. Oh, Jilly, the sculptor's hand is so moving. Beautiful image.

  5. You should come over here and photograph me drawing nude cartoons of real "HE MEN" -- cave men style. I just recently discovered some of those that kept me occupied for a decade and my wife happy.

    See one on abelincolnblog.blogspot.com

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my blogging buddies...

    Patty, and Abe Lincoln
    Brookville, Ohio

  6. Love the top photo, Jilly!!! Very sensitive..artistic!!!

  7. This is fascinating. The clay and human skin tones, the combination of gestures, even the poke in the eye. Nice work. And thanks for your kind words about the photo award. Quelle surpriseI
