15 December 2010

Christmas in Menton - Bubbles 2

Here's how it works. Place child in deflated bubble, fill with air - and she's off and floating...


Voici comment cela fonctionne. Il faut placer l'enfant dans la bulle dégonflée, remplir avec de l'air - la bulle est prête, elle flotte et c'est parti..


  1. I want to go in one of these...but I bet I am too heavy...what is the limit?

  2. Bibi, I've never seen an adult in one of these and more's the pity. I'd love to have a go too! I don't know the limit tho.

  3. This is soooo unique. thanks for such inspiration

  4. I had no idea it was done that way and I've never seen anything like it anywhere else. This is so unique.

    Is it expensive ?

  5. This is fascinating to so many of us. Thank you, Jilly.

  6. There are adult versions of these things but I am warning you, if you are not physically fit don't do it. It is the most demanding, aerobic exercise that I've ever had in my life :) Trying to stand up and walk inside of them is not an easy task.

  7. Funny and beautiful.

  8. I would love to try it as it must be fun.

  9. Being inside while they're pumping it full of air must be a weird experience!!!

  10. Oh, I want a turn to try it... I am game for just about anything except bungee jumping. However, I would hate to "burst their bubble" as I think it might be a bit chilly!

  11. Somehow the prospect fills me with horror.

  12. I don't think I would like this. What must it feel like to crawl into the deflated plastic? Ick! I suppose it could be fun with some friends after a few aperitifs!

  13. Genie told me about your blog post! I saw the same thing in Paris and teenagers were having so much fun in those that it made me want to try it too :)
