27 December 2010

Christmas in Menton - Rain

Rain, rain, rain. Everyday and endless. This is part of a stand in the Jardin Bioves where these six people are the only ones watching a display.

Come back tomorrow to see what they are looking at...


Pluie, pluie, pluie. Tous les jours et sans fin. Dans le Jardin Biovès, cela fait partie d'une animation que ces six personnes sont les seules à regarder .

Revenez demain pour voir ce qui les captive...


  1. heureusement qu'il y a des courageux ;))

  2. Ah, the suspense... I'll be back to see the display

    In the meantime I'll search for that parapluie!

  3. Some of those expressions are priceless. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  4. On 25th, you were talking about Longfellow. Do you know that there's a statue of him in Menton? and where?..(That's suspense against suspense! :)

  5. Malyss, yes it's on a corner opposite Nouvelles Galleries. On the end of that diagonal street that goes towards the pedestrian street.

  6. Six ....and you, Jilly !

    Here, you would have this title "Cold, cold, cold !!!" never experimented this cold before !

  7. Rain here, too, Jilly but I am on my Queensland mountaintop.

  8. And here is my family encased in a white freezer in the New York City area. As Chuck said on his Seattle post today, you don't have to shovel rain.

  9. très chouette photo ...
    Je veux le même parapluie que cette dame ;)

    Bonnes fêtes!
