11 December 2010

'Coup de Mer'

After a lot of rain, the seafront in the area where Menton joins Roquebrune-Cap-Martin is often closed.

I only captured a small 'coup de mer' (heavy swell) but you can see how the pounding sea has created a hole in the pavement where it has dropped away.


Après de fortes pluies, le front de mer , à la limite entre Menton et Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, est souvent fermé.

Je n'ai photographié qu' un petit 'coup de mer' mais vous pouvez voir de quelle façon la mer très agitée a provoqué un effondrement du trottoir ce qui a rétréci le passage pour les promeneurs.


  1. Wonderful photos Jilly. I have never been to Menton over Christmas, so is there any chance you could do some night shots of the fabulous looking decorations? I am extremely envious of you being there!
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  2. Graeme, thanks so much. Yes I'm intending to get out and take some night shots. Probably during the next few days with luck - depends on weather...

  3. nathalie in avignon11 December, 2010

    Wow, this is scary. I assume there's a great big hole underneath.

    Your grevillea yesterday was just gorgeous.

  4. The seashore looks so forlorn! You should see our landscape this morning...snow, snow, snow! And it's so lovely and pristine this early in the day. PS. Check Leif's Eagan post for this Sat. for a surprise!!

  5. Beautiful, dangerous sea.

  6. The sea is beautiful.
    Calm or rough.
    Have a nice weekend Jilly.

  7. Oh Jilly, the composition of that first photo leaves me speechless. The color of the water, with the cement and red & white pole slicing diagonally across the photo. Makes us want to be there, NOW........TODAY!



  8. beauté fragile! la mer nous rappelle parfois qu'elle peut être violente et dangereuse malgré les apparences..

  9. Beautiful Jilly!!! And amazing...the sea is dangerous, powerful, and simply gorgeous!!!

  10. Such beautiful colour, yet so strong!

  11. Your 'Nature's Jewels' reminds me of my image today. Icy treats!

  12. Wow! We had a few sea storms when we lived there. One tore a chunk out of the sea wall in Garavan, but I never saw the sidewalks along the promenade collapse. Is it possible one of the rivers that come down from the hills runs under this place, Jilly? I have read that much of the flatter part of Menton is built over these rivers.

  13. That first photo is smashing. A bit frightening when you explain the hole that is growing.

    Re the second shot, shouldn't there be four Beatles crossing there?

  14. It was quiet here, for a change, but this coup de mer was felt all over the Med, Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon...

  15. Karen, absolutely right. All the rivers that come down each valley are built over. However, in the place I photographed - well that's not at the outlet of a river - it's simply the sea comes up too near to the land and every winter this happens. Not sure what they can do other than continually rebuild the sea wall.
