06 January 2011

The Patron

'Today's restaurant is theatre on a grand scale' - Marian Burros

This was taken in mid-December at l'Occitan, a restaurant opposite the market. It's so long since we had sun it's hard to remember...


'Le restaurant d'aujourd'hui est un théâtre à grande échelle' - Marian Burros

Ceci a été pris à la mi-Décembre à l'Occitan, un restaurant en face du marché. Il y a si longtemps que nous n'avons pas eu de soleil, qu' il est difficile de se souvenir de lui...


  1. I like this picture, so alive! the Patron seems a bit overwhelmed! :) It's true for the sun..how was it when it was there?...

  2. une belle expression du patron, on l'imagine bien racontant son menu

  3. I feel so sorry for you Jilly. The weather over there has been very unkind to you. My Brother was in Airole for Christmas and said how miserable it had been. Roll on spring so we can return to the beautiful azure blue.

  4. Oh, Jilly, I love this. I want to learn each person's story.

  5. This portrait is full of noisy activity... pure poetry! I adore le patron and you have captured the moment perfectly...


  6. I agree Jilly, we've had very little sun in the past three weeks.

    Another grey day today and not much hope for tomorrow...
