01 January 2011

Theme Day - Favorite Photo of 2010

On the first of January each year, bloggers in the City Daily Photo community post their favourite photo of the previous 12 months. Here's mine - perhaps not a surprise as people are my favourite subject. This old boy was sitting outside a patisserie in Menton, deep in thought and reaching into his pocket for a match.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and peaceful 2011 and thankyou SO much for your visits to Menton Daily Photo.

Please click here to see other bloggers' favourite photos of 2010.


Le premier Janvier de chaque année, les blogueurs de la communauté City Daily Photo affichent leur photo préférée des 12 mois précédents. Voici la mienne - ce n'est peut-être pas une surprise car les personnages sont ma matière préférée. Ce vieil homme plongé dans ses pensées, était assis à l'extérieur d'une pâtisserie de Menton, et cherchait une allumette dans sa poche.

Je vous souhaite à tous Paix, Bonheur et Santé pour 2011 et je vous remercie infiniment pour vos visites à Menton Daily Photo.

S'il vous plaît , cliquez ici pour voir les photos favorites d'autres blogueurs en 2010.


  1. It is a most wonderful portrait, Jilly. And may you find many more colourful old codgers in front of your lens during 2011.

  2. There surely is a time when one needs to hold on to whatever remains of warmth. Always a match in reach and a Happy New Year for you all.

    daily athens

  3. Jilly

    There is deep beauty and grace in every line of his face, with all your wonderful photo's it would be hard for me to pick one.

    May you continue to grace us with your creativity each and every day of this new year.
    It has been a great pleasure getting to know you and Menton & Monaco with the people and pets this last year.


  4. Deep lines and deep character. Excellent choice in B&W! May 2011 grace you with good luck, good health, and much happiness.

  5. Superb, Jilly. Your blog is such a treat! Having a City Daily Photo blog makes for some great moments, shared all around the world. Happy New Year!

    If you've got a moment, please visit my special New Year's Eve post at Portland Oregon Daily Photo.

  6. Happy new year, Jilly. I always love your fine portraits.

  7. I agree your portraits are great! Happy new year!

  8. It's a wonderful portrait you captured, and so very French! I do agree it deserves to be your Photo of the Year. Have a happy New Year!

  9. nathalie in avignon01 January, 2011

    Oh dear, I forgot that today was theme day. Never mind. Great choice for your best of year photo. It is indeed one of your best in my opinion. You are so good at portraits!

    Happy new year to you Jilly!

  10. anyone would be honored to have you take their portrait. you capture so much more than the physical. this is an excellent choice for the theme.

  11. Jilly, great portrait. such character. We have been in Santiago Chile for New Years and we were hiking at Torres del Paine. such a beautiful place. Happy New Year's Day to you! Have a great day with family and friends.

  12. Such a super B&W, grainy and gritty and sharp as a tack, going from deepest black through all the grays to white. I love this capture.

  13. you are so good at portraits...i really love this one...happy new year!

  14. You can tell by the texture of his skin that the man has been a lifelong smoker. You can tell by his expression that he is a deep thinker!

    Here's to another great year of blogging!

  15. Great choice Jilly! This is a wonderful portrait! Happy New Year.

  16. A great portrait, have a Happy New Year!

  17. Your people pictures are the best. Too bad that this person, deep in thought, did not think that it is time to quit smoking.

  18. Yes, as you say, no surprise that your choice is a portrait image. No one does people shots better than you and Julie, but you both excel at capturing the pulse and reality of your environs too. Love your work, Jilly. Can you tell?
    All the best to you and yours in the new year!

  19. You are right, Jilly. That was a special photo. We now think we know the gentleman from studying his image.

  20. Love your portraits. This one is worthy of reposting. Looking forward to more great images from you in 2011.

  21. Wonderful choice for today! Happy New Year!

  22. The best for 2011 too!

  23. Happy New Year, Jilly.
    I wish you have a fantastic 2011 and show us your great photo in two of your CDP blogs.

  24. I can see why it's your favorite! Fantastic.
    Happy New Year to you!

  25. Happy New Year Jilly
    Great portrait. I always look forward to Menton photos
    I hope 2011 brings success and happiness to you and your friends and family
    Mark Bellamy

  26. I would have certainly chosen this as one, but I'll admit you have had so very many this year that I admire I'd have never been able to make that choice.

  27. Wonderful portrait. Hope 2011 is happy, healthy and peaceful for you and yours.

  28. I knew that you should have one of your portraits as "the best" but there were so many it must have been hard to choose. I think that you must have enough for a gallery exhibit of just portraits!

    Best to you in 2011, mon amie!

  29. I remember this photo.
    And I hope SHE knows that there are soooo many people who really like this photograph.

  30. I so love your portraits!

  31. There have been so many nice ones, but yes, I believe you made a good choice!

  32. Wonderful portrait...really like it in b & w. When I see lines on a face like this, I wonder what the person's life has been like.
